
For visualization and data handling, FrontStage uses external services, which were developed right for these purposes, with the aim of maximal functionality and user-friendliness. Read more about particular services, how to use them, and what they can offer with our contact center.


Grafana is a multiplatform analytical and interactive visualization web application. When connected to supported data sources, it provides graphs, charts and other visualizations and services.

Running reports from ReactClient

All available reports are listed within your supervisor application. To see them, open the “Reports” tab in the header. Each report has a short description of what you can expect in it. To run it, click on its name and a new window displaying the report will appear.


When opening reports for the first time, you have to log-in in order to use the service. You can use provided credentials or a Microsoft account. If you don’t have authorization yet, ask your administrator.

Next time, the browser should remember your credentials and you will see the report immediately.


Repot usage

A report window has three main areas:

  1. Custom filters

  2. Reporting tool functional buttons

  3. Dashboard - area for the data itself, can be tables, charts, etc.


Custom filters

By using these filters, you will change the dataset grouping for rendering the tables, charts, and related calculations so you will see different output with different filters applied, because the base for the calculations was changed.

There’s always a name and currently applied value.


To select a new value, click on the current one to trigger a drop-down menu with available values.


If the drop-down menu contains a lot of values and you can’t see the one you are looking for, you can try quick search, by entering even a single character, that is incorporated in your searched value.


Some filters support more values filtered at once. You can tell, if that’s the case, by the present checkboxes. Simply check every value you want to filter and then click out of the drop-down menu area. The filters will be applied.


For a quick un-select, press the Selected (X) label at the top of the drop-down menu (“X” stands for number of filtered values).


An additional function of this label is, that when none value is selected, you can press it to select all the available values at once. This might be handy when you want to filter everything except one or two values. Another press will reset the selection to none.


If you change the filter values and nothing happens, e.g. the data had not been recalculated, check the Refresh dashboard

Reporting tool functional buttons

Native Grafana user interface items, which were not adjusted in any way.

Current time range

The current time range, shows the time range currently displayed in the dashboard you are viewing. Hover your cursor over the field to see the exact time stamps in the range and their source (such as the local browser).


Click the current time range to change it. You can change the current time using a relative time range, such as the last 15 minutes, or an absolute time range, such as 2020-05-14 00:00:00 to 2020-05-15 23:59:59.

Refresh dashboard

Click the Refresh dashboard icon to immediately run every query on the dashboard and refresh the visualizations. The service cancels any pending requests when you trigger a refresh.


By default, the service does not automatically refresh the dashboard. Queries run on their own schedule according to the settings. However, if you want to regularly refresh the dashboard, then click the down arrow next to the Refresh dashboard icon and then select a refresh interval.



Every item on the dashboard (table or chart) has an interactive header, which offers some options:

  1. View - displays the item in a detail

  2. Share - shows pop-up window with share options

  3. Inspect - lets you run a diagnostic panel, where several options are available. For our usage, the “download” option is the most useful one

Data download

From the header, open Inspect –> Data where you will see all the data, which were used to visualise the dashboard item. Before downloading the data, you have several options to set, that can affect the download outcome.


After pressing the Download CSV button, a local file will be stored to your PC.

Agent Performance reports

Set of reports that aim on agents as individuals.

Chat and Social IM


  • SLA Limit Chat - Affects SLA calculations for Chat records

  • SLA Limit SM - Affects SLA calculations for Social IM records

  • Type - displays the data according to the communication type. Chat or Social IM

  • Aggregation Interval - divides the data into selected period, then presented in these periods per row

  • ProjectGroup and Project - filters the displayed data according to inserted values

Available columns, all of them depend on the Aggregation Interval:




Day-Time/Month/ Year - depends on the parameter “Aggregation Interval”


Day of Week name/Month name/Week number


All incoming conversations that were actually handled by agents

% Answered

% of all incoming conversations that were handled by agents

% Accepted in SLA

% of all incoming conversations that were accepted by agents in selected SLA time

% First Reply in SLA

% of all incoming conversations that were actually answered by agents in SLA time

AWT for Accept

The average time that conversations had been waiting until they were accepted by agents for processing

AWT for First Reply

The average time that clients had been waiting until they received the first reply from the agent

AVG Alert Time

The average alert time of all the handled conversations

AVG Handling Time

The average handling time of all the handled conversations

AVG Client Replies

The average number of messages sent by a client per handled conversation

AVG Client Reply Length

The average number of characters in a message, sent by a client per handled conversation

AVG Agent Replies

The average number of messages sent by an agent per handled conversation

AVG Agent Reply Length

The average number of characters in a message, sent by an agent per handled conversation


Inbound calls


  • SLA Time Limit - Affects SLA calculations

  • Aggregation Interval - divides the data into selected period, then presented in these periods per row

  • ProjectGroup, Project, Pilot, Team, Agent - filters the displayed data according to inserted values

Available columns, all of them depend on the Aggregation Interval:




Day-Time/Month/ Year - depends on the parameter “Aggregation Interval”


Day of Week name/Month name/Week number

Answered Total

All handled inbound calls

Total Transf by Agents

All inbound calls that were handled and then transferred within CC or outside CC (SUM of both)

% Transf by Agents

% of the calculation above from all of the inbound calls

Transf within CC by Agent

All inbound calls that were handled by agents and then transferred within CC

Transf out CC by Agents

All inbound calls that were handled by agents and then transferred outside CC

Avg Ring Time

Average ring time of all handled inbound calls

Avg Talk Time

Average talk time of all handled inbound calls

Avg Hold Time

Average hold time of all handled inbound calls

Avg Wrap Time

Average post-call-work wrap time of all handled inbound calls

Avg Handling Time

Average Handling Time (ring+talk+hold+post call) of all handled inbound calls


Message detail


  • Aggregation Interval - divides the data into selected period, then presented in these periods per row

  • ProjectGroup, Project, Team, Agent - filters the displayed data according to inserted values

Available columns, all of them depend on the Aggregation Interval:




Day-Time/Month/ Year - depends on the parameter “Aggregation Interval”


Day of Week name/Month name/Week number

Answered Total

All outgoing messages sent as an answer to incoming messages, including forwarded ones

Answered Replied

All outgoing messages sent as a reply to an incoming message

Answered Fwd

All outgoing forwarded messages

% in 24 hours

% of all messages answered within 24 hours

Avg Handling Time

The average message handling time – the average time that answered messages waited for a Reply (Reply Sent Time - Incoming Message Delivery Time)

Avg Wait Time

The average message waiting time – the average time that answered messages waited in a queue to be distributed and accepted for processing by an agent


All incoming messages that were closed without a reply


All incoming messages that were closed and marked as Spam

New Outgoing

All new outgoing messages

AHT Answered

Average Agent Handling Time of answered (and forwarded) messages (Reply Sent Time - Accepted Time)

AHT Closed

The average agent handling time of closed messages and closed without a reply messages (Closed Time - Accepted Time)

AHT Spam

The average agent handling time of messages marked as spam

AHT New Outgoing

The average agent handling time of new outgoing messages

Answered SMS

All SMS replies sent

New Out SMS

All new outbound SMS sent


Outbound calls


  • Aggregation Interval - divides the data into selected period, then presented in these periods per row

  • ProjectGroup, Project, Outboun List, Team, Agent - filters the displayed data according to inserted values

Available columns, all of them depend on the Aggregation Interval:




Day-Time/Month/ Year - depends on the parameter “Aggregation Interval”


Day of Week name/Month name/Week number


All Outgoing Calls that were created by agents or system


All outgoing calls that were distributed to agents

Not Answered

All outgoing calls that were distributed to agents but were not successful (i.e. cancelled by agent, not connected, not answered etc.)

% Not Answered

% of all outgoing calls that were distributed to agents but were not successful (i.e. cancelled by agent, not connected, not answered by client etc.)

Avg Not Answ Ring

Average ringing time of all the not connected outgoing calls


All outgoing calls that were distributed to agents that were successful (i.e. answered by the client)

% Answered

% of all outgoing calls that were distributed to agents but were not successful (i.e. cancelled by agent, not connected, not answered by client etc.)

Total Transf by Agents

SUM of “Transf within CC by Agents” and “Transf out CC by Agents”

% Transf by Agents

% of all outgoing calls that were distributed to agents but were not successful (i.e. cancelled by agent, not connected, not answered by client etc.)

Transf within CC by Agents

All outbound calls that were handled by agents and then transferred within CC

Transf out CC by Agents

All outbound calls that were handled by agents and then transferred outside CC

Avg Ring Time

Average ringing time of all connected outgoing calls

Avg Hold Time

Average hold time of all connected outgoing calls

Avg Talk Time

Average talk time of all connected outgoing calls

Avg Wrap Time

Average post-call wrap time of all connected outgoing calls

Avg Handling Time

Average handling time (ring+talk+hold+post call) of all connected outgoing calls




  • Aggregation Interval - divides the data into selected period, then presented in these periods per row

  • SLA Time Limit - Affects SLA calculations

Available columns, all of them depend on the Aggregation Interval:




Day-Time/Month/ Year - depends on the parameter “Aggregation Interval”


Day of Week name/Month name/Week number


Time when the agent logged into the CC for the first time


Time when the agent logged out the CC for the last time

Total Logon

Total agent´s logon time

Total Ready

Total time, when agent was in a Ready state

% Total Ready

percentage of the Ready time from the Login duration

Total Pause

Total time, when agent was in a Pause state

% Total Pause

percentage of the Ready time from the Login duration

Based on your installation, this report will also display all of your particular agent states at the end of the table. Each state will have its own column. They represent a total time, that agent did spend in the particular state.




  • Aggregation Interval - divides the data into selected period, then presented in these periods per row

  • SLA Time Limit - Affects SLA calculations

Available columns, all of them depend on the Aggregation Interval:




Day-Time/Month/ Year - depends on the parameter “Aggregation Interval”


Day of Week name/Month name/Week number


Time when the agent logged into the CC for the first time


Time when the agent logged out the CC for the last time

Missed Ringing In/C

Number of calls when the agent failed to answer the inbound/outbound call offer

Answered In (n)

Number of handled inbound calls by the agent

Answered Out (n)

Number of handled outbound calls by the agent

Not Answered Out (n)

Number of not-handled outbound calls by the agent

Transferred In/Out

Number of handled inbound calls that were transferred within CC/outside CC by the agent

Total Logon

Total agent´s logon time

Busy In

Total time, when agent was handling Inbound calls

Busy Out

Total time, when agent was handling Outbound calls

Total Busy

SUM of “Busy In” and “Busy Out”

% Total Busy

percentage of the Ready time from the Login duration

Total Idle

Total time, when agent was in an Idle state

% Total Idle

percentage of the Ready time from the Login duration

Total Ready

Total time, when agent was in a Ready state

% Total Ready

percentage of the Ready time from the Login duration

Total Pause

Total time, when agent was in a Pause state

% Total Pause

percentage of the Ready time from the Login duration

Based on your installation, this report will also display all of your particular agent states at the end of the table. Each state will have its own column. They represent a total time, that agent did spend in the particular state.


Contact Centre Performance reports

Set of reports, that aim on a contact centre as a whole.



  • SLA Limit Chat - Affects SLA calculations for Chat records

  • SLA Limit SM - Affects SLA calculations for Social IM records

  • Type - displays the data according to the communication type. Chat or Social IM

  • Aggregation Interval - divides the data into selected period, then presented in these periods per row

  • ProjectGroup and Project - filters the displayed data according to inserted values

Available columns, all of them depend on the Aggregation Interval:




Day-Time/Month/ Year - depends on the parameter “Aggregation Interval”


Day of Week name/Month name/Week number


All incoming conversations


All incoming conversations that were Lost, no agent accepted the conversation

% Abandoned

percentage of all incoming Lost conversations

AWT Abandoned

Average time in ICR + Queue of all lost incoming conversations


All incoming conversations that were actually handled by agents

% Answered

% of all incoming conversations that were handled by agents

% Accepted in SLA

% of all incoming conversations that were accepted by agents in selected SLA time

% First Reply in SLA

% of all incoming conversations that were actually answered by agents in SLA time

AWT for Accept

The average time that conversations had been waiting until they were accepted by agents for processing

AWT for First Reply

The average time that clients had been waiting until they received the first reply from the agent

AVG Alert Time

The average alert time of all the handled conversations

AVG Handling Time

The average handling time of all the handled conversations

AVG Client Replies

The average number of messages sent by a client per handled conversation

AVG Client Reply Length

The average number of characters in a message, sent by a client per handled conversation

AVG Agent Replies

The average number of messages sent by an agent per handled conversation

AVG Agent Reply Length

The average number of characters in a message, sent by an agent per handled conversation


Inbound calls


  • SLA Time Limit - Affects SLA calculations

  • Aggregation Interval - divides the data into selected period, then presented in these periods per row

  • ProjectGroup, Project, Pilot - filters the displayed data according to inserted values

Available columns, all of them depend on the Aggregation Interval:




Day-Time/Month/ Year - depends on the parameter “Aggregation Interval”


Day of Week name/Month name/Week number

Incoming Total

All inbound calls

Abandoned Total

Total inbound calls that were lost (in Pilot, IVR, Queue or in Distribution)

% Abandoned Total

percentage of metric above compared to Incoming Total

Abandoned in AA

All inbound calls that were lost in AA or Pilot

% Abandoned in AA

percentage of metric above compared to Incoming Total

Abandoned after AA

All inbound calls that were lost in a queue

% Abandoned after AA

percentage of metric above compared to Incoming Total

Avg Ab. Queue Time

Average time in AA + queue of all lost inbound calls

Answered Total

All handled inbound calls

% Answered

percentage of metric above compared to Incoming Total

Answered in SLA limit

All inbound calls that were handled by agents within SLA limit


percentage of metric above compared to Incoming Total

Transferred in AA

All inbound calls that were transferred in AA

% Transf by AA

percentage of metric above compared to Incoming Total

Total Transf by Agents

All inbound calls that were handled and then transferred within CC or outside CC (SUM of both)

% Transf by Agents

% of the calculation above from all of the inbound calls

Transf within CC by Agent

All inbound calls that were handled by agents and then transferred within CC

Transf out CC by Agents

All inbound calls that were handled by agents and then transferred outside CC

Avg AA Time

Average time spent in AA of all handled inbound calls

Avg Queue Time

Average time spent in queue of all handled inbound calls

Avg Ring Time

Average ring time of all handled inbound calls

Avg Talk Time

Average talk time of all handled inbound calls

Avg Hold Time

Average hold time of all handled inbound calls

Avg Wrap Time

Average post-call-work wrap time of all handled inbound calls

Avg Handling Time

Average Handling Time (ring+talk+hold+post call) of all handled inbound calls


AA is a different term for the IVR.




  • Aggregation Interval - divides the data into selected period, then presented in these periods per row

  • ProjectGroup, Project - filters the displayed data according to inserted values

Available columns, all of them depend on the Aggregation Interval:




Day-Time/Month/ Year - depends on the parameter “Aggregation Interval”


Day of Week name/Month name/Week number

New Delivered

Messages delivered

Answered Total

All outgoing messages sent as an answer to incoming messages, including forwarded ones

Answered Replied

All outgoing messages sent as a reply to an incoming message

Answered Fwd

All outgoing forwarded messages

% in 24 hours

% of all messages answered within 24 hours

Avg Handling Time

The average message handling time – the average time that answered messages waited for a Reply (Reply Sent Time - Incoming Message Delivery Time)

Avg Wait Time

The average message waiting time – the average time that answered messages waited in a queue to be distributed and accepted for processing by an agent


All incoming messages that were closed without a reply


All incoming messages that were closed and marked as Spam

New Outgoing

All new outgoing messages

AHT Answered

Average Agent Handling Time of answered (and forwarded) messages (Reply Sent Time - Accepted Time)

AHT Closed

The average agent handling time of closed messages and closed without a reply messages (Closed Time - Accepted Time)

AHT Spam

The average agent handling time of messages marked as spam

AHT New Outgoing

The average agent handling time of new outgoing messages

Answered SMS

All SMS replies sent

New Out SMS

All new outbound SMS sent


Outbound calls


  • Aggregation Interval - divides the data into selected period, then presented in these periods per row

  • ProjectGroup, Project, Outboun List - filters the displayed data according to inserted values

Available columns, all of them depend on the Aggregation Interval:




Day-Time/Month/ Year - depends on the parameter “Aggregation Interval”


Day of Week name/Month name/Week number


All Outgoing Calls that were created by agents or system


All outgoing calls that were distributed to agents

Not Answered

All outgoing calls that were distributed to agents but were not successful (i.e. cancelled by agent, not connected, not answered etc.)

% Not Answered

% of all outgoing calls that were distributed to agents but were not successful (i.e. cancelled by agent, not connected, not answered by client etc.)

Avg Not Answ Ring

Average ringing time of all the not connected outgoing calls


All outgoing calls that were distributed to agents that were successful (i.e. answered by the client)

% Answered

% of all outgoing calls that were distributed to agents but were not successful (i.e. cancelled by agent, not connected, not answered by client etc.)

Total Transf by Agents

SUM of “Transf within CC by Agents” and “Transf out CC by Agents”

% Transf by Agents

% of all outgoing calls that were distributed to agents but were not successful (i.e. cancelled by agent, not connected, not answered by client etc.)

Transf within CC by Agents

All outbound calls that were handled by agents and then transferred within CC

Transf out CC by Agents

All outbound calls that were handled by agents and then transferred outside CC

Avg Ring Time

Average ringing time of all connected outgoing calls

Avg Hold Time

Average hold time of all connected outgoing calls

Avg Talk Time

Average talk time of all connected outgoing calls

Avg Wrap Time

Average post-call wrap time of all connected outgoing calls

Avg Handling Time

Average handling time (ring+talk+hold+post call) of all connected outgoing calls
