Chat and WebSite

Chat, along with voice and messages, is one of the contact center’s most important communication channels. FrontStage supports several types of chat. In addition to its own advanced web chat solution, FrontStage allows integration with social platforms and corporate communicators. WebChat is built on the WebSite module, which, in addition to chat, also contains other applications that can be placed on the website of the contact center operator (customer).

Chat types

FrontStage supports three types of chat.

  • Its custom WebChat solution inserted into the website of the contact center operator. WebChat is intended for visitors of this website. It is built on the WebSite module.

  • Integration with social sites and their chats. The communication can be established by a third party or using our own TenantWeb solution. Both of them are then handled by ServiceLink service.

  • Integrate any chat using the SimProt protocol. This method allows agents from the FrontStage environment to communicate with any chat, such as an in-house proprietary chat.

Agents always work the same way in FrontStage with each type of chat. The actual implementation and technical details of receiving and sending chat messages are hidden for them.

A FrontStage installation that uses one of the above chat types must allow the corresponding channels. This will make the chat available for FrontStage. The corresponding configuration parameter for this setting is called ChannelUsage.

WebSite application

The WebSite module is used to run applications embedded in the contact center operator’s website. Unlike FrontStage, it is exposed to the Internet and, therefore, is subject other technical and safety requirements.

WebSite includes five applications that you can embed in web pages:

  • WebChat - web chat

  • WebForm - a form displayed on the web

  • WebMsg - a message from the web

  • WebCBack - a callback form

  • WebClick - writes information to FrontStage using a URL

In addition to these basic applications, WebSite offers a rich integration API that allows you to develop other custom applications.

Configuring gateways and conditions

Gateways are virtual devices for receiving, sending, or receiving and sending chat messages.

The assignment of correct metadata for the subsequent distribution of chat to agents is determined by conditions similar to those of other FrontStage modules - gateway conditions and project conditions.




Gateway conditions (more)

gateway; already has an external tracking ID open?; culture (ISO); user tag mask; project; registered agents fewer than; agents available fewer than; queue longer than; frequency of requests over; calendar mode; from; to

signal; scenario

Chat project conditions (more)

address book; gateway; culture (ISO); user tag mask; external processing mask; set of comparison conditions; calendar mode; from; to

project; skill; priority; preferred agent; language; proficiency