Common issues

There can be situations when some application function doesn’t work as expected, and that can’t be fixed by one single settings adjustment, but more actions must be taken. This section should contain solutions for these situations.


Exporting data from grid to csv

It might happen that export button doesn’t react and no file is created. Check these settings:

  1. ServiceBulk and ReactClient services configuration files have to have defined import and export folders paths for temp files

    • On-premise installation

      • search the installation folder for appsettings.json of the particular service

      • check the item settings:

        "ImportFolder": "C:\\Temp",
        "ExportFolder": "C:\\Temp",
    • Cloud installation

      • open “Deployments” tab in LENS

      • find a row with the particular service, there’s a menu indicated by three dots at the end of the row, open it and press “Edit”

      • a terminal session will open at the bottom, search for ImportFolder and ExportFolder items

  2. the agent has to have the ExportDataQuery role to perform the export

Portlet editor not offering DDN values

When adjusting an existing portlet, you may encounter the DDN not offering any values and being inactive. For example:


The reason is that the existing portlet was created in an earlier FronStage version, and you are running a new one. The solution is to delete the existing portlet and re-create it.

Pictures not appearing in chat

Chat in ReactClient shows images only as an external link, you can’t see the preview. It is possible that the “Content Security Policy” is set incorrectly.

  1. Open the appsettings.json configuration file (in case of cloud via LENS) for the ReactClient application

  2. Check the setting of SecurityFeatures.ContentSecurityPolicy

Correct settings:

default-src https: 'self'; script-src https: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' 'self'; img-src https://* data: 'unsafe-inline' 'self'; style-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self'


Whisperer doesn’t offer contacts

The contact selection whisperer (outbound email, outbound SMS, etc.) sometimes may not correctly load according to the models. This can happen, for example, after upgrading to a higher version of FrontStage.

What might help:

  1. In TeamsClient, open Settings.

  2. Go to the Emails tab.

  3. In the Search contacts of models section, change any value and save.

  4. Go back to Settings and set the value to its original state, then save.

This updated the values of the Perso database table, where FrontStage reloaded your profile values. The whisperer settings are taken from this table.