
As a supervisor, you have all the standard tabs and functions available for your work, just like an agent. For an introduction to the application, read about using the agent

Extra tabs are available for work specific to your function. These are only visible if your account has the Supervisor flag (configurable via Agents)


It serves as a bulletin-board, where the client alerts are displayed for the agents. You create the content, as users with higher permissions. The EditClientAlert role is required to do so.

Creating a Client alert

  1. Open menu in application’s header and press New Client Alert

  2. In a displayed pop-up window, you can select a template from a present drop-down menu, according to which the new client alert will be created. In other case, leave the selection empty and press New Client Alert

  3. A Client Alert form will be displayed, opened on the Mainstage tab. Insert here its name and content, formating, numbering, links and other content options are supported.

  4. Fill in parameters on the Info subtab, which affects the behaviour of the cLient alert itself.

    • Way of Confirmation - client alert can require agent’s confirmation, but can be also without it

    • Priority - alert importance, interpreted in previews and notifications, see more at Infoboard article priority

    • Schedule mode

      • Pattern for showing the alert, it relates with the Way of Confirmation item, where the alert is hidden after confirmation, but it can appear again

      • After selecting a particular schedule mode, more control items for mode specification will appear.

      • You can choose a time zone related to the inserted time.

    • Type of notice board -

    • Way of presentation - as an addition to others, it also influences the icon displayend within the alert preview

    • Visible - if not checked, client alert will not be visible on Infoboard’s Priority and Timeline subtabs, only on a My drafts subtab under your account

  5. At least one valid condition has to be filled in on the Conditions subtab, otherwise the client alert will not be displayed anywhere, even when Visible checked. As a valid condition is considered even an empty one, which will result in a visibility for everyone. See more at Conditions

  6. During the activity, you can use Save changes, when everything is saved and you remain in edit mode, alternatively Save and close, when the edit mode will be closed and preview will be shown.

Creating a template

Template can have all the parameters as a common client alert, data from the form, Info and Conditions subtabs are coppied to a newly created alert.

To create template from any client alert, open the Info subtab and adjust the Type of notice board parameter to a “Template” value. It will be available to other users after saving.

All of the templates, which you have rights to, can be seen on Infoboard, Templates subtab.



They act as filters for users who can see the client alert. So, if you for instance insert value “Sales” for the Crew parameter, only given group members will be able to see it.

Multiple parameters of a single condition will evalueate in a way, that all of the parameters must match, in order to display the alert to the agent (logical AND operator)

When multiple conditions are inserted for an alert, agent must match at least one of them, in order to display the alert for him (logical OR operator).


Subtab My drafts

It’s the Infoboard’s subtab. All your saved, but not visible to others alerts will be stored here, which means Visible is not checked on them. See more at Creating a Client alert.


History subtab

Form subtab, visible when client alert is in edit mode. It lists agents’ interactions with the client alert.


Event types

  • Created - client alert creation

  • Shown - agent saw client alert

  • Confirmed - agent pressed the Confirm button visible on the alert, when confirmation is requested

KB (Knowledge base)

You can create the articles from Start a new conversation and add information section, presuming you have the appropriate level of EditKbArticle role.

To edit the article, click on it either from the “Search” list or the “Pinned” list, Edit button is located in the lower right corner. When used, the form will switch to the editor, where you are able to do:

  1. Adjust and format the text, including the title

  2. Add/Remove the article tags (tags can be defined via KB Tags)

  3. Change the metadata in the Info subtab


The Key, located in the Info subtab is governed by individual EditKbArticleKey role.


The editor contains 3 buttons:

  • Save and Unpin - saves the changes and unpins the article from you list, changes are published for other agents

  • Save changes - saves the changes, which are not published yet, the article remains in an editor mode

  • Save and Close - saves the changes and publishes them for other agents, the article remains pinned and editor is closed


The indication, whether the changes are already published or not is also an icon, which changes its colour. Icon kb-published is for published article, icon kb-edit for edited article.


This tab is used to display statistics from the queue view, i.e. from an external perspective. It is a data cube where you can explore the data by focusing on a specific communication channel, queue/group, etc.


  • [1] - Queue filter

  • [2] - Dashboard switch - Available dashboards according to the ShowQueueTC role.

  • [3] - Active dashboard

  • [4] - Communication channel filter


Queue filter

Data from which the active dashboard will be rendered [3]. Only one item can be active at a time, i.e. you are rendering data of a specific queue or group of queues or queue types. Dashboard [3] is updated after selection. You can pin frequently used records, see. Pin/Unpin.

Communication channel filter

The second filtering of the data cube, where you select a specific channel from the data of the selected queues [1] for the active dashboard. You can select one specific channel or all of them at once. View [3] is updated after selection.


This is the first type of view that plots data in multiple tiles, combining graphical and statistical representations of the data.

Each tile has several intervals by which you can view the data, click on the interval name to activate it. The intervals of each tile may differ.


The graphs show an explanation of the plotted data when the cursor is hovered over.


Current state

A tile showing the current load status. All data relative to the selected interval.

  • Avg. Active comms - count of the active communications

  • Max. waiting time - the longest recorded wait time

  • Active agents - count of agents with appropriate skills and engagement for for filtered queues, in Ready or PostCallPause status



  • Served - number of served

  • Lost - number of lost

  • Transferred - number of transferred

  • Average handling time - the average of the range from Receive time to End time of the call when:

    • Accept Time - depending on the communication channel can be AnswerTime or AcceptTime

    • EndTime - according to the event it can be EndTime, PcpTime or AppResultTime, if more than one of these values is valid for one record, the latest one is taken

  • Average Waiting Time - the average of the range from Enqueue Time to Accepting Time when:

    • Enqueue Time - EnqueueingTime

    • Accepting time - depending on the communication channel can be AnswerTime or AcceptTime

  • Average hold time - average of HoldDuration time values



The tile has two types of views, based on the channel filter [4].

For a specific channel:

  • SLA - Communications served in limit / All served [%] (SLA tab)

  • Abandoned - Communications lost in queue / All communications in queue [%]

  • Average rating


Especially for the channel “Outbound calls” the first two tile values change to:

  • Answer rate - Outbound answered calls / Dialed calls [%]

  • Progress - Outbound answered calls / Queue length [%]


For all channels:

  • SLA - Communications served in limit / All served [%] (SLA tab)

  • Abandon - Communications lost in queue / All communications in queue [%]

  • Rating - for inbound communication

  • Answer Rate - Incoming Answered Calls / Dialed Calls [%]

  • Progress - Outbound Answered Calls / Queue Length [%]

  • Rating - for outbound communication



The tile allows graphical evaluation of data over a longer time period. It supports three types of graphs, which can be switched using the menu in the upper right corner of the tile.


Comparison of the number of communications according to their phases at a given moment.

  • Script - IVR/IMR/ICR

  • Waiting - waiting queue

  • Alerting - alerting or waiting for accepting

  • Communication - ongoing call or active chat (including “answering” phase for messages)

  • PCP - PCP

  • Ready - agents with proper skills and engagement for filtered queues, in Ready or PCP state


Comparison of the number of communications according to their handling at a given moment.

  • Served in limit - picked up/answered within limit

  • Served after limit - picked up/answered after limit

  • Waiting phase - lost in the waiting queue

  • Script phase - lost in IVR/IMR/ICR

  • Logged agents - agents with appropriate skills and engagement for filtered queues that are logged in (Ready, PCP, Pause)

Comparable traffic

Counts of served and lost communications divided by filtered queues. The graph shows the ten busiest queues. If there are more than 10 queues in the system, a summarizing column “Other” is displayed, which combines the data of the remaining queues.


User settings and options

The application options are the same for you as for agents, see. application settings. Settings relevant only for your role are under the tab Supervisor.



  • Row per page in grid - the value specifies the number of rows for the grids that are displayed on the Queues and Agents tabs