
Use the standard LicenseVerifier command-line tool to create a license file and establish information about an existing license file.

License file

A license file is a text file with the .lic extension, containing, among other things, the following in an encrypted form:

  • License type (AppLicence1, AppLicence2)

  • License ID (e.g. 1f5521-2130-1b2b-a465-781c03280c50)

  • Information on the entity to which the license is issued (name of the client operating the contact center)

  • PBX type (e.g. AASTRA 5000 / NeXspan)

  • MAC address, CPU serial number, BIOS, and other hardware identification of the server that may use the license

You must provide ProServer a valid license file for it to boot properly.

Creating a license application

Run the LicenseVerifier tool without parameters, which will identify the hardware, ask for the PBX’s IP address, and send this information with a license request to The license request file has the .licreq extension.

If you run LicenseVerifier with the /NoPbx parameter, it will not ask for the PBX address.

You perform this step on a future ProServer server. Once you obtain the license file, it will be usable on this server.

  1. Run LicenseVerifier.exe.

    PS C:\atlantis\Tools\LicenceVerifier> .\LicenceVerifier.exe
    LicenceVerifier / 2.2.7367.21036         (c) atlantis telecom s.r.o., 2018
  2. If you want to bind the license to the PBX’s IP address, enter it now. In either case, press Enter to continue.


    You can also enter the DNS name of the branch exchange.

    PBX IP address or empty
  3. In the report, you will find the data established and where the temporary request file was saved.

     BIOS SN:5CG8425DVW
     CPU ID:
     CPU Model:BFEBFBFF000806EA
     Disk SN: C:B424FC1E
     Board SN:PGWHT00WBBG8TB
     MAC address: 00:BB:60:A3:F3:BD
     MAC address: 0A:00:27:00:00:0A
    Temporary file at: C:\Users\jelinek\AppData\Local\Temp\LicenceRequest.licreq
    Sending email to
  4. You can also send the request file manually if the automatic submission fails.

License file details

Run LicenseVerifier to find out the license file details.

  • Use the /? parameter, and you will be asked for a path to the license file and the PBX address (you do not have to enter it).

    PS C:\atlantis\Tools\LicenceVerifier> .\LicenceVerifier.exe /?
    Licence file to verify or empty to find hw characterisitcs
    > c:\tmp\demo.lic
    PBX IP address or empty
  • Use the path file path parameter, e.g. c:\tmp\demo.lic, and you will be asked for the branch exchange address (you do not have to enter it).

    PS C:\atlantis\Tools\LicenceVerifier> .\LicenceVerifier.exe c:\tmp\demo.lic
    PBX IP address or empty

You will then see the details obtained from the license file on the screen.


Decrypting the details can take a long time.

In the list you will find, for example, the number of extensions, allowed licenses, uploaded devices, available tools and functions, etc.

Licence2 number: 1f5521-2130-1b2b-a465-781c03280c50
Holder name    : Acme Inc.
PBX ID         : 21010001E862AA
BIOS SN        :
CPU ID         :
CPU Model      :
BoardSN        :
Status         : GrantedTemporary
NeXspan/AASTRA                / Csta.NeXspan                    /  1
Pobočkové systémy             / PbxSystems                      /  1
Pobočková čísla               / PbxExtensions                   / 55
Účty zabezpečení              / NamedAccounts                   / 10
Datové zdroje                 / DataSources                     / 10
Nahrávací zařízení            / RecordingDevices                /  0
Komunikační kanály            / StateChannels                   /  2
ServerAdministration          / Proxy_Csta.ServerAdministration /  1
Toolkit                       / Proxy_Toolkit                   /  1
Pro* libovolná aplikace       / Proxy_*                         /  2

Verification report for licence 1f5521-2130-1b2b-a465-781c03280c50
   Type: Atlantis.Licencing.AppLicence2
   SNMP IP addres not used
   SNMP authentication replaced by temporary
   BIOS authentication not required
   BOARD authentication not required
   CPUID authentication not required
   CPUM authentication not required
   DISK authentication not required
   MAC authentication not required
Status = GrantedTemporary

Do I have enough available licenses?

Before adding agents, you should make sure that you have enough available extensions for new agents. You can establish this information by subtracting the number of non-suspended extensions in SmartRec from the number of extensions purchased in the license (e.g. PbxExtensions/55 as 55 extensions in the LicenseVerifier statement).