Roles and permissions

The system of roles and permissions in FrontStage is extensive and allows great customization in the settings of users and the actions allowed for them.


The basic term is a role, which is the name for a group of actions that you can allow or restrict by assigning them to the user(s). For example, the EditCampaign role controls the work with bulk campaigns, or the ExportIssue role can restrict the export and printing of issues.

The specific restriction or permission of the action is determined by a degree. The role can use up to six fixed degrees, which are named DenyRead, DenyWrite, DenyFull, AllowRead, AllowWrite, and AllowFull. Most roles do not use all degrees and one or two will suffice. For example, for the EditCampaign role, the AllowRead degree means Viewing, AllowWrite means Viewing, Editing and Deleting, and AllowFull means Viewing, Editing, Deleting, and Creating. The ExportIssue role uses only the AllowRead degree.

For an overview of roles and the meaning of the degrees they use, see the Role references section.

To apply it to a user or group, it is necessary to assign them with a permission or a role in the selected level. In other words, permission is information about what role, its degree, and to whom it is assigned.

The circle of users can be determined in many ways - most often by selecting a specific agent or by using a team mask (applies to all teams whose name matches the mask). Other possibilities include whether it is a supervisor, the fact that the agent must have some skills in the project and so on. See Permissions.

When planning permissions, it is important to keep in mind that the user will have the highest permissions of all that apply to them. For example, if they are a member of a team that has the EditCampaign role in the AllowRead degree (usually written as “EditCampaign=AllowRead”), but the user has EditCampaign=AllowFull, then EditCampaign=AllowFull (i.e. the higher one) is used.


Overview of roles interpreted by the system to enable or disable actions.

Displayed name





Primary Key.



Name for administrator.

System name


The system name of the role under which rights can search for programs. It must be unique. The role code interprets using this name.



Group roles for sorting.



Description for administration.


A permission matching table between roles and agents (users) of the N:M type; one agent can have multiple roles.

Displayed name





Primary Key.



The permission that is assigned. The role is interpreted by the code that executes the function.



An agent having a certain permission. NULL means no control.

Degree of granted right


Degree of permission granted. The interpretation depends on the role. Usual steps: -3 - denied reading, -2 denied write, -1 - erased denial; 0 - no right, 1 - right to read, 2 - right to write, 3 - right to delete



Authorization scope. NULL without checking.

Team mask


The team mask that the agent must belong to. NULL means no control.



Indication that the agent must / must not be a supervisor. NULL means no checking.



An indication that the agent must have Skill in a particular project.

Minimum skill


The minimum agent skill in a designated project. NULL means no control.

Maximum skill


Maximum agent skill in a specified project. NULL means no control.

Workgroup mask


A project mask what Skills must have an agent.



An indication that the agent must have proficiency in a particular language.

Sensitivity categories of displayed data


The data sensitivity category that the permission allows to view. (Bit mask from GdprSensitivity).

Validity [days]


Permission validity (number of days from reference item date).


Scope of authorization. Reference values depend on the role and code interpretation.

Displayed name





Primary Key.



Name for administration.

For themselves


Indication that the operation can only be applied to itself or objects related to it.

For your team


An indication that an operation can apply agtmn to its team members only or objects related to it.

Team mask


Indication that an agent can apply an operation only within a given team mask or objects related to it.

Project mask


Indication that an agent can apply an operation only within a given project group mask or objects related to it.

Item ID


Indication of an item to which the right can be applied.

Level indication


Indication of the numeric level to which the operation can be applied.

Name indication


Indication of names, filters, or groups to which the operation can be applied.

Roles reference


System name

Displayed name



Play call recording

Only Read. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Add an ad-hoc form

The right has following degrees:

  • AllowRead - Create new form for a message

The right is applied according to the following scopes:

  • Agent - message assigned to a particular agent

  • Team - message assigned to a particular team

  • Project - message from a particular project

  • Reference * Message - only for messages


View chat record

Only Read. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


View message record

The right has following degrees:

  • AllowRead - Open the screen player on a position where you work with the message

The right is applied according to the following scopes:

  • Agent - message assigned to a particular agent

  • Team - message assigned to a particular team

  • Project - message from a particular project

  • Reference * Message - only for messages


Add ad-hoc rating

The right has following degrees:

  • AllowRead - To see the message rating

  • AllowWrite - To create a new message rating.

The degree higher than AllowRead starts the SRec app, when you want to rate the message. The right is applied according to the following scopes:

  • Agent - message assigned to a particular agent

  • Team - message assigned to a particular team

  • Project - message from a particular project

  • Reference * Message - only for messages


System name

Displayed name



Access to the administration tab

Read, Write. Scope TableName exact.


Access to the configuration tab

Read, Write. Scope Configuration.GroupName exact.


Direct table editing

Read (view and export only), Write (edit line by line), Full (import). Scope Any, DirectEditTableId.


Edit outbound call result

Read, Write, Full. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Exception from IDM

Read - No Delete Agent, Write - No Sync Rights, Full - No touch.


Import/Export contacts

Read - export, Write - import.


Import/Export calls

Read - export, Write - import.


Synchronize phone numbers

Read - export, Write - import.


Access to live listening



Change the status of outbound calls (start/stop)

Read, Write.


Remote operations via REST API

Read = read data; Write = write data; Full = run WF.

System name

Displayed name




Visual Editor permissions Scale.

  • AllowRead - see editor icon in the list, can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Phases and transitions

Visual Editor Phases and transitions permissions.

  • AllowRead - see editor icon in the list, can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Template edit

Permissions to work with the Templates visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.



Permissions to work with the Agent statuses visual editor.

  • AllowRead - see editor icon in the list, can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


WFM activities

Permissions to work with the Activities visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.



Permissions to work with the Roles visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Inbound call conditions

Permissions to work with the Inbound Calls visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Outbound calls conditions

Permissions to work with the Outbound calls visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Outbound messages conditions

Permissions to work with the Outbound messages visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Inbound messages conditions

Permissions to work with the Inbound messages visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Inbound chats conditions

Permissions to work with the Inbound chats visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.



Permissions to work with the Crews visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Form conditions

Permissions to work with the Forms visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Issue conditions

Permissions to work with the Issues visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Waiting calls conditions

Permissions to work with the Waiting of calls visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Editors administration

Permissions to work with the Editors visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Topics and subtopics

Permissions to work with the Topics visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit busy condition definition

Permissions to work with the Occupancy visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Call Result Details

Permissions to work with the Result codes visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Waiting chats conditions

Permissions to work with the Waiting of chats visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Website routing conditions

Permissions to work with the Website routing visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.



Permissions to work with the Onboarding visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Action Triggers

Permissions to work with the Action Triggers visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.



Permissions for the installation/license panel, see. Visual editors - section [3].

  • AllowRead - see license details

  • AllowWrite - you can renew and upload a new license


Edit form in FormAdmin

Editing the forms with Forms

  • AllowRead - visible in the visual editor list + running the VEF

  • AllowWrite - you can alter, create, copy delete forms in VEF



Permissions to work with the Holidays visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Knowledge base tags adjustment

Permissions to work with the KB Tags visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.



Permissions to work with the Languages visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Contact model

Permissions to work with the Contact model visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Correlation codes

Permissions to work with the Correlation codes visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.



Permissions to work with the Phone books visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Queues settings

Permissions to work with the Queues visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Queue transitions

Permissions to work with the Queue transitions visual editor.

  • AllowRead - you can see the editor icon in the list, you can browse existing editor records

  • AllowWrite - you can create a new record using the editor

  • AllowFull - you can edit and delete existing records

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


System name

Displayed name



Import/Export messages

Permissions to work with the Voice campaigns and Message campaigns visual editors.

  • AllowRead - you can export the results of already existing campaign

  • AllowWrite - you can import new campaigns from a file

Data queries

System name

Displayed name



Bulk actions

Bulk actions access within client applications.

  • AllowRead - ReactClient: bulk actions buttons visible and possibility to run the bulk action “monitor”, see Bulk actions

  • AllowWrite - TeamsClient: bulk actions buttons visibility on the Activities tab, depends on an assigned permission with particular Scope, see Activities tab bulk actions

  • AllowFull - ReactClient: possibility to cancel all of the running bulk actions in the “monitor”

Scope necessary for AllowWrite works only with right Scope.ReferenceData value; for possible settings see, Activities tab bulk actions.


Bulk rating

Only Read. Scope myTeam, Team, Any.


Show data query

It is related to the data query text edit

  • AllowRead - you can see the query text

  • AllowWrite - you can insert query text. Drag & drop for grids is allowed for you.

  • AllowFull - you can change the query text

Scope - DataQueryId.


Edit SQL query

Read = can only change the parameters of the DQ source; Write = change the selected DQ source and data sorting in it.


Data grid file export

A permission for exporting the data from grid. AllowRead level required for exporting. Scope DataQueryId.


Execute SQL command (DQ, Form)

Read = execute Command / ImageScript. Scope DataQueryId.


Run manual action

Only Read. Scope ActionTriggerId, GroupName, Any.


View/reset time frames and series

Permissions to work with the timeline (tab Performance) of the Data queries visual editor.

  • AllowRead - display data

  • AllowWrite - reset data

No scope.

Sync operation

System name

Displayed name



Change enabled languages

Only Read. Scope Self,MyTeam,Team,Any


Change involvement in languages

Only Read. Scope Self,MyTeam,Team,Any


Change project permissions

Only Read. Scope Self,MyTeam,Team,Any


Change involvement in projects

Only Read. Scope Self,MyTeam,Team,Any


Readiness status change

Only Read. Scope Self,MyTeam,Team,Any

Web client

System name

Displayed name



View / clear internal application cache

Directs the access to Caches visual editor. With this editor, you can show/delete FrontStage cache.


  • AllowRead - visual editor available, can be opened

  • AllowWrite - full edit

Scope not supported.


Access to application diagnostics

Access to application diagnostics. E.g. to information about data query performance.

  • AllowRead = read

  • AllowWrite+ = reset


Internal chat

Read, Write. Scope for the target at Write MyTeam, Team, Any + AgentId.


Play and download call recordings

Read - play; Write - download; Full - Play + Download. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.

Web editors

System name

Displayed name



Accept chat

Read, Write, Full. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Accept message

Message editor permission.

  • AllowRead - Accept the message for processing (assign the message to yourself).

  • AllowWrite - AllowRead + return the message to the not assigned inbound or outbound messages (un-assign from yourself).

  • AllowFull - AllowWrite + option to choose another agent than yourself.

The role is applied according to the following scopes:

  • Agent - message assigned to a particular agent

  • Team - message assigned to a particular team

  • Project - message from a particular project

  • Reference * AGENTNULL - not assigned to any agnet * AGENTSET - assigned to some agent


Ad-hoc outbound call

Read - no change AdhocOutboudList; Write - with the option to select AdhocOutboudList.


Application control via the Bar interface

Only Read - BarStatus, BarModel, Write-WebAction, Full-BarAction.


Content editor features

None = Basic, Read = Normal, Write = Advanced


Edit agent

Permission for Agents.

  • AllowRead - running the editor (available in the visual editor bar), possible to see existing agents

  • AllowWrite - same as AllowRead + can delete agents

  • AllowFull - same as AllowWrite + can create agents

Scope - Self, MyTeam, Team, Any.


Edit script definition

Visibility and usage of the Scripts

  • AllowRead - editor visible in the menu, script list accessible

  • AllowFull - like AllowRead + possibility to create scripts

Scope - Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId


Edit agent detail

Permissions to access the Detail tab on Agents.

  • AllowRead - show subfolder

  • AllowWrite - edit subfolder information

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any.


Edit agent proficiency

Permissions to access the Proficiencies tab on Agents.

  • AllowRead - show tab

  • AllowWrite - edit tab information

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any.


Edit agent seating

Permissions to access the Seating tab on Agents.

  • AllowRead - show tab

  • AllowWrite - edit tab information

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any.


Edit agent skill

Permissions to access the Skills tab on Agents.

  • AllowRead - show tab

  • AllowWrite - edit tab information

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any.


Agent credentials

Permissions to access the Credentials tab on Agents.

  • AllowRead - show tab

  • AllowWrite - edit tab information

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any.


Edit campaign

Usage of Visual campaign editor.

  • AllowRead - display existing campaigns + visible in visual editor list

  • AllowWrite - AllowRead + deleting campaigns

  • AllowFull - AllowWrite + create campaigns.

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId


Edit noticeboard post

Affects the work with client alerts and the notice board itself.

  • AllowRead - notice board displayed, you can read posts

  • AllowWrite - you can write posts

  • AllowFull - you can edit posts, subtab Templates in TeamsClient is displayed, selection from Type of notice board menu is enabled, see. Creating a Client alert - point #4 (i.e. you have the option to create templates as a whole)


Edit contact

Read, Write, Full. Scope Any + ProjectId.


Edit contact import

Role required to use the visual editor import and export contacts . Read - visible in the list, Write - possibility to run, Full. Scope Any + ProjectId


Edit crew

Working with The Crews tab belonging to the Agents visual editor.

  • AllowRead - show tab

  • AllowWrite - edit information on the tab

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any.


Edit the EtlQuery query

Read, Write, Full. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit an evidence key from third-party records

Only Read. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit an external key

Read, Write.


Edit form instance

Read, Write, Full. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit GDPR legalization evidence

Only Read. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Create and edit GDPR authorization

Only Read. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit chat

Read, Write, Full. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit chat metadata

Read, Write, Full. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit inbound call

Read, Write, Full. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit issue

Issue editor permissions.

  • AllowRead - reading the data

  • AllowWrite - if the issue is in the New phase, this degree is sufficient for full edit

  • AllowFull - all the rights, issue phase not important in this case

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit issue key

Read, Write.


Edit issue metadata

Read - Topic/SubTopic, Write - Language, Full - Project. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit knowledge base articles

Affects interaction with Knowledge Base (KB) articles. See. KB in TeamsClient.

  • AllowRead - can display articles, tab visible

  • AllowWrite - can change articles


Edit external KbArticle key field

Ability to edit the item Key, used on knowledge base articles, which are present in the agent’s application. Read - View the item, Write - Adjust the item.


Edit message

Permissions to message editor.

  • AllowRead - show message. Even an outbound parsed message will be displayed as read-only. The user cannot handle or reply to the message.

  • AllowWrite - AllowRead + edit message, compose message, reply to message. Messages that are not parsed will be displayed read-only.

  • AllowFull - AllowFull + send message.

The role is applied according to the following permission range flags:

  • Agent - message assigned to the agent.

  • Team - message assigned to the given team.

  • Project - message from the given project

  • References * AGENTNULL - message not assigned to any agent * AGENTSET - message assigned to an agent

Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit message key

Read, Write.


Edit message metadata

Permissions for message editor.

  • AllowRead - Change message language. Change message contac. Change the sending time for the outbound message.

  • AllowWrite - AllowRead + change the accepted level of knowledge and skills for inbound message. Change the campaign within a project for the outbound message.

  • AllowFull - AllowWrite + Change the message project.

The role can be applied according to the following scopes:

  • Agent - message assigned to a particular agent

  • Team - message assigned to a particular team

  • Project - message from a particular project

  • Reference * AGENTNULL - not assigned to any agent * AGENTSET - assigned to some agentd


Edit message template

Only wite. Not the scope.


Edit office plan

Read, Write, Full. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Message editor features

None = Basic, Read = Normal, Write = Advanced


Edit outbound call

Read, Write, Full. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit outbound campaign

Usage of Outbound lists visual editor.

  • AllowRead - visible in the visual editors list + campaigns list

  • AllowWrite - AllowRead + adjusting the campaigns

  • AllowFull - AllowWrite + deleting the campaigns

Scope: Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId


Edit paging

Read, Write. Scope Any + ProjectId.


Edit paging template

Read, Write, Full. Scope Any + ProjectId.


Edit telephone directory

Read, Write, Full. Scope Any + ProjectId.


Edit phone number or email address

Only Read. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Editing data query

Edit the data query using visual editor.

  • AllowRead - displays existing queries in the editor, displays the button for opening the query from data grid.

  • AllowWrite - AllowRead + delete

  • AllowFull - AllowWrite + create

Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit queue

Read = shift preference time.


Edit plaintext snippet

Permissions to use snippets that are available in the chat editor.

  • None - cannot be used, you cannot see the icon

For the following, the icon is already visible.

  • AllowRead - you can read other people’s snippets, edit your own.

  • AllowWrite - you can read other people’s snippets, edit your own and your team’s.

  • AllowFull - you can read and edit all snippets.

Additionally, the availability of snippets is controlled by the settings on a specific template.


Edit tasks

Read = view; Write = view, fill; Full = view, fill, enter.


Traffic model editation

Read, Write. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any.


Editing the number of traffic model events

Read, Write. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any.


Edit WFM agent

Read, Write. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any.


Edit WFM plan

Read, Write. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit WFM plan workplace

Read, Write = edit in draft; Full = edit in Real. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Export and print calls

Only Read. Scope ReferenceLevel = Navigation.Rank or none.


Export and print contacts

Only Read. Scope ReferenceLevel = Navigation.Rank or none.


Export and print crews

Only Read. Scope ReferenceLevel = Navigation.Rank or none.


Export and print forms

Only Read. Scope ReferenceLevel = Navigation.Rank or none.


Export and print evidence of legalization according to GDPR

Only Read. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Export and print issues

Only Read. Scope ReferenceLevel = Navigation.Rank or none.


Export and print kb article

Only Read. Scope ReferenceLevel = Navigation.Rank or none.


Export and print messages

Only Read. Scope ReferenceLevel = Navigation.Rank or none.


Export and print office plans

Only Read. Scope ReferenceLevel = Navigation.Rank or none.


Export and print lists

Only Read. Scope ReferenceLevel = Navigation.Rank or none.


Export and print phone numbers / email addresses

Only Read. Scope ReferenceLevel = Navigation.Rank or none.


Export and print traffic model

Only Read. Scope ReferenceLevel = Navigation.Rank or none.


Export and print the number of traffic model events

Only Read. Scope ReferenceLevel = Navigation.Rank or none.


Export and print agent

Only Read. Scope ReferenceLevel = Navigation.Rank or none.


Export and print work shift plan

Only Read. Scope ReferenceLevel = Navigation.Rank or none.


Forward to myself

Enable the “Pass to yourself” functionality in MessageEditor. Read, Write, Full. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.



None - only inherits, cannot change; Read - can change for active communications or new issues; Write - can change even for active issues; Full - can change for communications and issues regardless of status. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Display data sensitivity category

Only Read. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId. In Sensitivity, there is a bit mask corresponding to the GdprSensitivity code list telling which information an agent with this right can see.


Listen in / join a call

Read, Write, Full - Scope ReferenceId=AgentId, MyTeam, Team, Any.


Merge contact

Read = can only perform suggested merges; Write = can merge any two contacts. Read, Write, Full. Scope Any + ProjectId.


Reactivate issue

Only Read. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Resume form editing

Read - with confirmation; Write - now; Full - now, without ageta change. Scope Any or ScenarioId or ScenarioGroupName mask.


Save the form with the required fields blank

Allows you to save the form even with blank mandatory fields. Read - save for a separate form; Write - save for a form inserted in another editor; Full - save and close (acquire incomplete data). Scope ReferenceId - for a specific form, ReferenceData - for a group of forms. Applied to Agent, Team, Supervisor.


Save the form with incorrect fields

Allows you to save the form even with incorrectly filled fields (out of valid range, bad syntax). Read - save for a separate form; Write - save for a form inserted in another editor; Full - save and close (capture incomplete data). Scope ReferenceId - for a specific form; ReferenceData - for a group of forms. Applied to Agent, Team, Supervisor.


Control spam

  • AllowRead - Mark the message as spam.

  • AllowWrite - AllowRead + un-mark the message as spam.

  • AllowFull - AllowWrite + assign the sender to a spam list

The role is applied according to the following scopes:

  • Agent - message assigned to a particular agent

  • Team - message assigned to a particular team

  • Project - message from a particular project

  • Reference * AGENTNULL - no agent assigned * AGENTSET - any agent assigned


Upload attachment

Only Read. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit WebSite templates using a designer

Usage and visibility of WebSite templates visual editor

  • AllowRead - visible in the visual editor list + template list

  • AllowWrite - AllowRead + edit the templates

Scope not supported.


Approve WFM plan

Read allows you to create a draft from an actual plan; Write allows a shift from the draft state to the proposal state; Full allows you to incorporate the proposal in the actual plan and directly edit the plan. Scope Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.


Edit call key

Controls the display and editing of the additional Field External key in call editors.

  • AllowRead - displays the field to the user

  • AllowWrite - allows full editing


Edit application labeling

Controls the display and editing of the additional Field Mark in call, chat, message and case editors.

  • AllowRead - displays the field to the user

  • AllowWrite - allows full editing

Scope - Self, MyTeam, Team, Any + ProjectId.

On which editors to make the additional field available, set the Roles ‣ Scopes in the Level indication field in the administration. The value is the bitmask of those communication-channels in whose editors the additional field should appear.


Personal settings

Controls the visibilioty of the personal settings button in Message, Call, Chat, Issue, Contact, PhoneBook, Wfm, Gdpr and Portal editors.

  • NULL - button not visible

  • AllowWrite - button available

Scope - any of listed editors above.

Workforce management

System name

Displayed name



Edit agent shift

Read - edits only drafts; Write - edits non-closed shifts


Edit shifts as supervisor

Read - show; Write - change; Scope - Self, MyTeam, AgentId, TeamMask


System name

Displayed name



Edit personal web parts page

Only Read. No Scope.


Editing web part template page

Only Read. No Scope.


Show tab/page

Only Read. Scope Url contains.


System name





The name for the item group, which should be depictured within the “hamburger menu” in TeamsClient. Default value is “TeamsMenu” . See “Hamburger menu” buttons function adjustments.