Parameters and roles

Configuration parameters

System name





The name for the item group, which should be depictured within the “hamburger menu” in TeamsClient. Default value is “TeamsMenu” . See “Hamburger menu” buttons function adjustments.


System name




Teams roles

Controls the display of the Agents tab of the Teams client.

  • AllowRead - You can see the tab in the application.

  • AllowWrite - For the views “Engagement” and “Interactions”, the Action column is available to interact with the records.

You can use Scope to restrict the display of individual tabs, where the created Scope only allows a specified tab at a time. Possible values:

  • NULL (Scope not filled) - all displayed

  • dashboard

  • engagement

  • interactions

How to set up Scopes correctly described in Activities tab bulk actions.


Teams roles

Controls the display of the Queues tab of the Teams client.

  • AllowRead - You can see the tab in the application.

  • AllowWrite - For the views “Engagement”, “Agents” and “Interactions”, the Action column is available to interact with the records.

You can use Scope to restrict the display of individual tabs, where the created Scope only allows a specified tab at a time. Possible values:

  • NULL (Scope not filled) - all displayed

  • dashboard

  • engagement

  • interactions

  • agents

How to set up Scopes correctly described in Activities tab bulk actions.