
The visual script editor is a tool for the supervisor (or administrator) to create and edit scripts that automatically handle certain parts of the system, especially communication to clients. You can create scripts of different models, e.g. IVR, IMR, ICR, WF, etc.

The editor can be found in the FrontStage administration, in specific in the list of editors, under Scripts.



To use it, you need the EditScript role with the appropriate permission level.

The running editor displays a list of all scripts on the system that can be worked with.

In the upper right corner there are buttons for interacting with the scripts:

  • Export definitions - downloads the json configuration of tagged scripts (if nothing was tagged, downloads the definition of all available scripts)

  • Create script - displays a dialog for creating a script header

Click on a specific script to open the visual designer (used as an editor), which you use to define the internal logic, i.e. states, transitions, conditions, sequences, etc.

It contains function buttons for working with the script as a whole.

  • Create copy - displays a window for entering header parameters, where the currently edited script serves as a template

  • Switch to production - activates the script on your instance according to the header parameters, if this fails for some reason, an interactive warning message is displayed

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Creating a script header

Open the editor so that you can see the list of scripts. On this screen there are buttons for interaction, press Create script. In the window that pops up, fill in its header. It contains:

  • Model - what type of script it is, e.g. IVR, IMR, etc.

  • Name - name appearing in the list and other selections

  • Form - form for saving script data (i.e. inputs from customer), if not filled in no data is saved

  • Machine - identification of the device to run the script (ID in the Device database table). For more information see. IVR scripts

  • Description - possibility to insert any text, for better clarity

  • Group name - classification in the script group (categorization may also serve for diverting calls among the lines)


    The logic for AS7 is, that both IVR and Waiting queue can act as the same line. For cases, when you want to supervise the calls, but do not want to interfere with currently active IVR voice, it is possible to set the IVR scripts and devices the way, the call is diverted to the line, where you precisely know it’s already a Waiting queue. Diverting is realised by the synchronous service. More info can be obtained from Frontstage consultants.

  • Timeout - Maximum time [s] during which the IVR processes the call. When the limit is exceeded, the script is terminated and the IVR input is released.


Press Create script to return to the list, where the new header will already be present.