Layout and controls

The functions of the site are divided into several tabs, the list of which you can see on the left side of the window.

  • Log - List of events that happened with each script task

  • Tenant - Table of defined tenants for your DS

  • Resources - Table of defined resources for your DS. These are the subcomponents of the FrontStage system, such as its services, database, PBX, etc. Shows the resources of all tenants.

  • Platform - Table of defined infrastructure types. These types are then applied to individual Resources.

  • Script - A table of jobs that were run based on the script. Informs about the subtasks and their status.

You can use the search above each table to search in all available columns, according to a specified text.


The tables support column filtering and sorting of values.

Click on a column name to turn on ascending and descending sorting and a third click to turn it off (indicated by an arrow)


Columns that support filtering have a filter icon next to their name. When clicked, a selection of possible values is displayed.



The tab displays a list of events that have been performed on the DS subobjects.


Tab columns

  • Time (UTC) - Event time

  • Event type - Event types

  • Tenant - If it is directly “source”, there is information about the source tenant

  • Resource type - Resource type used by the macro to which the event belongs

  • Resource name - If it is a “resource”, its name is in the form “Tenant/Specific_Source”

  • Script - The script instance that fired the event

  • Text - The script return value for the event. The value here tells us what specifically happened, e.g. the name of the running process, state transitions, error messages, etc.


Table of created tenants. Each is associated with its own Fronstage license.


We refer to a tenant as a place where one single instance of Fronstage is running. Tenants share certain DS resources with each other.


Tab columns

  • Name - Tenant name

  • Alias - alias used for example in scripts

  • Licence ID - licence header number (if empty, no licence assigned yet)

  • Resources - running Source

  • Token - if it does exists, an icon will be present here; network communication is not possible without the token; uploaded via K8s Job ModelDb

  • Allowed telemetry - active options indication, see Creating a tenant

  • Version - current FrontStage version

  • DB - database type

  • RA - if the FrontStage deployment is complete, the column will contain a button opening ReactAdmin (otherwise there’s no button)

  • RC - if the FrontStage deployment is complete, the column will contain a button opening ReactClient (otherwise there’s no button)

Creating a tenant

  1. Find the New tenant button on this tab

  2. In the window that appears, fill in the entries:

    • Name - only letters and numbers allowed

    • Alias - only letters and numbers allowed

    • Diagnostics - if allowed, runtime statistics and load overview are gathered, then visually presented within DS

    • Notify by email - if enabled, Fronstage can send emails through this tenant (onboarding, etc.)

    • IVE sound file upload - if enabled, it is possible to upload voice recordings via Fronstage to AS7 for IVR purposes (using the visual editor)


    The remaining values are filled in automatically while working on the tenant.

  3. Press Create to create it, it has a generated Tenant ID and an empty Licence ID.


Table of defined resources for your DS. These are the subcomponents of the FrontStage system, such as its services, database, PBX, etc. It shows the resources of all tenants


Click on a record to open its form, where you can see the unique ID (used in some scripts as a parameter) and the Event types subtab


Buttons for working with resources:

  • Clear list - Resources in the list have specific states. This will clear any that are in status “Removed” or “Deleted” from the list.

Tab columns

  • Name - Source name

  • Tenant - tenant in which the source is installed

  • Demand - source consumption of its platform, see the Capacity column in the Platform list

  • Status - Statuses

  • ResourceType - Resource types

  • Set-up time - Time when processing started

  • Torn-down time - Time when the disposal started

  • Scripts - Link to the Script page, where only scripts with the given source are filtered


Table of defined infrastructure types, defined at the database level, user-invariant. These types are then acquired by individual Resources.


Click on a record to open its form, where you can see its unique ID (used in some scripts as a parameter) and the Event types subtab.


Tab columns

  • Name - Platform name

  • Capacity - number of tenants that can use the platform at the same time (for example number of PODs per cluster or databases per DB machine)

  • Status - Statuses

  • Resource type - Resource types

  • Set-up time - Time when processing started

  • Torn-down time - Time when the disposal started

  • Scripts - Link to the Script tab, where only scripts with the given platform are filtered

  • Resources - Link to the Source tab, where only resources running on this platform are filtered


Table of script instances that have been created by users. From this tab you can work with them, see their status and if they consist of subtasks, see their sequence and progress.


Buttons for working with scripts:

  • New script - Brings up the window for insert script

  • Clear list - Tasks in the script list have specific states. This will clear all scripts from the list that have the status “Removed” or “Deleted”.


Tab columns

  • Name - Task name

  • Status - Current job status

  • Process type - Resource types

  • Set-up time - Time when processing started

  • Torn-down time - Time when the disposal started

  • Resources - Reference to the resources page, where only those that the script task has set/run are displayed

  • Platforms - Reference to the Platform page - i.e. the task infrastructure

  • Depends on - The task may run depending on the result of the task specified here

  • Parent - The task listed here has created the given task as its subtask, which must run successfully

Creating a script

  1. On the script tab, find the New script button

  2. In the window that appears, you select the underlying script to create a new instance of the script, which is then assigned unique parameters for running.

    • Process type - script template

    • Display name - the name of the instance, under this name it will appear in lists etc.

  3. After pressing the Create button, a form opens where you specify the parameters for running the script instance. Each script has different parameters, so the forms are different.

  4. If you don’t know all the parameters, you can save the procedure by pressing Save - the script will be in the “Set-up draft” state. If you want to delete the procedure, press Delete - the script will be in the state “Deleted”

  5. If you have filled in all parameters, you can activate the script by pressing Approve - the script will be in the state “Set-up approved” and then it continues to advance the state, see. Statuses

  6. If the script ends up in a state where it is aborted, the reason for this will be displayed on the script form.


Statuses, events, etc.


Scripts and other objects across DS can take on a state that tells us about these objects, whether they are working properly or need some intervention. They are visible on individual tabs and each state has its own icon (the color may also vary - in order to alert the user).




Set-up draft

Being modified, pending approval

Set-up approved

Approved for incorporation, waiting in the queue

Set-up validation

Ongoing approval (reading and checking of requirements)

Set-up invalid

Approval error

Set-up waits for data

Processing suspended until the other party delivers the data via the submitted form

Set-up data completed

Processing can go to “Set-up”, external party has supplied data


Cancelled without settings, left only for archiving reasons, not displayed in lists


Set up, configure or create

Set-up error

Failed setup process


Successfully set up, ready to use

Tear-down draft

Proposal for removal in the course of operation

Tear-down approved

Removal approved

Tear-down validation

Removal validation (condition check) in progress

Tear-down invalid

Error during validation

Tear-down waits for data

Processing suspended until the other party delivers the data

Tear-down data completed

Processing can go to “Tear-down”, the other side has supplied the data


Deleting, deconfiguring, deleting data in progress

Tear-down error

Unsuccessful “Tear-down” process


Decommissioning completed, displayed in lists


Non-functional item, left only for archiving reasons, does not appear in lists

Event types

They copy Statuses in meaning, except that the event name contains the type of the object to which the event refers. You can see the events either on the Log tab or on the form subtab of each script.



  • Script Set-up draft

  • Script Set-up approved

  • Script Set-up validation

  • Script Set-up invalid

  • Script Set-up waits for data

  • Script Set-up data completed

  • Script Canceled

  • Script Set-up execution

  • Script Set-up error

  • Script Operational

  • Script Tear-down draft

  • Script Tear-down approved

  • Script Tear-down validation

  • Script Tear-down invalid

  • Script Tear-down waits for data

  • Script Tear-down data completed

  • Script Tear-down execution

  • Script Tear-down error

  • Script Removed

  • Script Deleted


  • Platform Set-up execution

  • Platform Set-up error

  • Platform Operational

  • Platform Tear-down execution

  • Platform Tear-down error

  • Platform Removed

  • Platform Deleted


  • Resource Set-up execution

  • Resource Set-up error

  • Resource Operational

  • Resource Tear-down execution

  • Resource Tear-down error

  • Resource Removed

  • Resource Deleted


  • Tenant Created

  • Tenant Edited

  • Tenant Token Generated

  • Tenant Deleted

  • Tenant Token Reset


  • Information

  • Warning

  • Macro Script-Child Created

  • Telemetry Script Created

  • Internal Error

Resource types

List of possible types, defined at the database level.

  • K8s Cluster

  • K8s Let’s Encrypt Certificate

  • K8s nginx ingress

  • K8s TLS File Certificate

  • K8s NameSpace

  • K8s Job General.Model.Db

  • K8s POD General.ReactAdmin

  • K8s POD Pro.Service

  • K8s POD iCC.ReactClient

  • K8s POD iCC.ServiceSync

  • K8s POD iCC.ServiceAsync

  • K8s POD iCC.ServiceBulk

  • K8s POD iCC.ServiceRest

  • K8s POD iCC.ServiceLink

  • K8s POD iCC.WebSite

  • K8s POD SRec.RecordService

  • K8s POD SRec.MatchingService

  • K8s POD SRec.RecordWeb

  • K8s POD Grafana

  • PBX AS7 Platform

  • PBX AS7 Tenant

  • Blobs File storage

  • Blobs File container

  • Blobs Azure storage

  • Blobs Azure container

  • MS SQL in Azure

  • MS DB in Azure

  • MS SQL on-prem

  • MS DB on-prem

  • Postgre SQL in Azure

  • Postgre DB in Azure

  • Postgre SQL on-prem

  • Postgre DB on-prem

  • Postgre DB in K8s Namespace

  • Licensing Contract

  • License of Tenant

  • Service Center for Kubernetes

  • Service Center for MS SQL

  • Service Center for PostgreSQL

  • Service Center for AS7 PBX

  • Service Center for MS Azure

  • MS Azure Access data

  • Authentication Provider

  • FS Basic Configuration

  • Website Chat Configuration

  • EWS Configuration

  • Agent Onboarding

  • FS Agent Templates

  • FS WhatsApp Configuration

  • FS Facebok Messenger Configuration

  • FS Zalo Configuration

  • Macro Script