Contact Centre Deployment Procces

One-time operations:

In the initial phase, you need to configure the environment on which Fronstage tenants will run. This includes the AKS cluster (Azure Kubernetes Services), nginx, DNS, application registration and the DS instance. A Platform is then created for AKS and nginx in DS, which serves as a parameter for certain scripts (it is only created once). You must have a working Azure portal with admin access and an AS7 PBX.

The following stages are repeated for each tenant:

  • Preparation - preparation and setup of external services necessary for running the installation, input data

  • Deployment - installation and configuration of the contact center, individual steps may require manual intervention, resulting in a functional installation in the default state

  • After deployment - install and configure components that cannot be installed automatically; edit settings and enter data


If a problem occurs at any step, you can tell by the Status column in the script list.

Usage examples

New installation with preconfiguration

  • Example deployment of a simple voice system, no call recording, no reporting, “out-of-the-box” customized configuration file

  • The deployment uses a given sequence of individual scripts


Required info:

  • Name of tenant - “autotenant5”

  • Data for AS7 PBX

    • Connection string - “XXXX”

    • Pilot - 111

    • IVR/WaitingQueue - 2222

    • Extensions number range - 1001 - 1004

  • Azure portal

    • Administration access

    • It is necessary to specify the redirect URI that the portal will accept after authentication

    • protocol://server/TenantName/signin-microsoft/ a protocol://server/TenantName/ReactAdminAppName/signin-microsoft/, insert both of the forms to Azure

    • For example: https://atlantis-ds/autotenant5/ra/singin-microsoft


  1. Create new Tenant on the eponymous tab

  2. Request a licence for the newly created tenant by using License request (manual) script

  3. Create a database by using MS DB on Azure script

  4. Create a new Kubernetes Namespace by using K8s NameSpace script

  5. Create a database structure by using K8s Job ModelDb script

  6. Register new AS7 tenant by using PBX AS7 Tenant script

  7. Create pilot, IVR and workplaces by using PBX AS7 configure workplaces, PBX AS7 configure IVR & waiting and PBX AS7 configure pilots scripts

  8. Create a set of FS modules by using K8s PODs PS,RA,SA,SB,SR,SS,RC macro-script

  9. Check deployment status

If everything went alright you can already run individual FS applications.

Post deployment

Create agent accounts by using Agents

When agents created, configure their accounts and rules:

Installation including WebChat and IM

This is an addition, where we will also enable email, webchat and social networks. Execute after the previous example is complete on the same workspace.


Required info:


  1. Create the WebSite module by using the K8s POD WebSite script

  2. Perform an initial webchat configuration by using the Website Chat Configuration script

  3. Create the ServiceLink module by using the K8s POD ServiceLink script

  4. Check deployment status

Post deployment

  1. In ReactAdmin open Messages and IMR ‣ Gateways where adjust predefined email gateway values. Adjust the Input device and Output device values.

  2. In ReactAdmin open PBX and IVR ‣ Devices, where edit the predefined item “StorageAzureBlob”

    • Email storage

    • Edit the ConnectionString and ContainerName - you get the values in Azure where you host the repository

  3. In ReactAdmin open Configuration ‣ WebSite routings, where you edit the predefined rules

    • There are two types: “WebChat” - condition specifying the used web script and template of the given webchat instance; “CORS” - inserts CORS headers for correct inclusion of the webchat window

    • For both, edit the Address (URL Regex) entry to the address of the web page where the webchat script is embedded

  4. In ReactAdmin open Chat and ICR ‣ Gateways, where you edit the predefined Facebook gateway

    • The Device entry contains the configuration. Edit at least Id and PageAccessToken

  5. In the same menu, edit the predefined gateway for WhatsApp. In Device edit PhoneNumber and ApiKey

Deployment functionality check

At the end of deployment phase it is necessary to check the whole installation for possible errors.

  1. Use “LENS” application to check installed Kubernetes Namespace, if all the containers are running (container = “POD”), check their configuration

  2. Each container indicates its actual status, displays logs (log level can be set individually for each instance)

  3. Check the Azure portal and all of the settings

  4. Check database settings


Every change in the container’s settings causes it to restart.