Available scripts

License request (manual)

Application for a new license for the selected tenant, which must be approved by the other party. An email will be sent to the other party’s designee explaining in text that this is a new license application and the appropriate link to the DS to fill in the information associated with it. The license is tied to the PBX IP address - applicable to all tenants with this PBX.

  • Tenant - the tenant for which the license will be created

  • Licensing contract - the other party to issue the license


MS DB on Azure

Create a new and empty database on an existing tenant.

  • Tenant - tenant for which the database will be created

  • SQL Engine Resource - SQL server type

  • Collation name - a set of rules specifying how data is treated in the database; select one of the available options for the desired language

  • Pricing tier - selection affects database performance

    • S0 - suitable for test environtment

    • S1 - small tenant with voice services

    • S2 - bigger tenant with more running services


K8s NameSpace

Creating a new Kubernetes Namespace.

  • Tenant - tenant for which the workspace will be created

  • Database - the database that was created on the tenant selected one step above

  • K8s cluster - reference of the cluster created in first phase of

  • K8s nginx ingress - nginx reference created during first phase of

  • Tls Management - communication encryption, selection from the menu of available certificates

  • Central Authentication Web - if available, replaces the redirect URI after Azure login, manages login centrally

  • Authentication provider - method of authenticating system users; multiple methods can be selected at once using the switch

  • Version tag - Fronstage version to install, new version available every month

  • Import/Export shared disk size - the amount of storage for the tenant that will be allocated to it from the total storage; individual tenant resources allocate storage at this location

  • Time zone - desired time zone

  • CSV Import/Export Code Page - csv file encoding

  • CSV Import/Export delimiter - csv file delimiter


K8s Job ModelDb

Setting data in an existing database according to the configuration file. Configuration files have their usage limitations, the information in brackets after its name should alert you to this, e.g. “OOB Init (first time & MS only)”.

  • K8s NameSpace Tenant Resource - select the Kubernetes whose database you want to work with

  • Batch name - configuration file

  • Should be license header uploaded into DB if available - uploads the license header (contained in the configuration file) into the database


PBX AS7 Tenant

Creation and registration of a new AS7 control panel tenant.

  • AS7 Platform - Platform

  • K8s NameSpace Tenant Resource - select the Kubernetes whose database you want to work with

  • Numbering - numbering plan; specifies the format of telephone numbers to be handled by the PBX (incoming/outgoing calls)

After the script is run, an email will be sent to the other party asking them to fill in additional information for AS7. Without this step, the script will not complete. The “connection string” for AS7 will be requested, where you need to know:

  • IP address

  • port

  • CTI domain

  • CTI credentials

  • extensions number length


Basic configuration of FS tenant

Basic voice configuration for the selected tenant. This must be preceded by a PBX AS7 Tenant script, i.e. there must be an AS7 PBX for it.

  • K8s NameSpace Tenant Resource - Kubernetes selection containing the desired tenant

  • SuperAdmin login - user that will be created as database admin


PBX AS7 configure workplaces

Workstation settings for the selected tenant and PBX. The settings are made inside ProService and ServiceSync. Once started, an email will be sent to the other party with a link to the DS form where specific extension numbers need to be specified.

  • K8s NameSpace Tenant Resource - Kubernetes selection containing the desired tenant

  • PBX AS7 Tenant Resource - PBX selection

  • Required workplaces - number of required workplaces

  • Fill SoftPhone Json - if the workstations are to work with DesktopClient or WebRTC, you can leave the configuration on the other side by enabling this option. In the sent mail you will need to specify the configurations of each extension, which will then be saved in the database, no local configuration is required.


PBX AS7 configure IVR & waiting

Setting the waiting queues in the IVR for the selected tenant and PBX. The setting is done inside ProService and ServiceSync. Once run, the other party will receive an email with a link to the DS form where specific IVR numbers and waiting queues need to be specified.

  • K8s NameSpace Tenant Resource - Kubernetes selection containing the desired tenant

  • PBX AS7 Tenant Resource - PBX selection

  • Required Ivr Wqs - number of waiting queues


PBX AS7 configure pilots

Setting the pilot for the selected tenant and PBX. The setting is done inside ProService and ServiceSync. Once run, the other party will receive an email with a link to a DS form where specific pilot numbers need to be specified.

  • K8s NameSpace Tenant Resource - Kubernetes selection containing the desired tenant

  • PBX AS7 Tenant Resource - PBX selection

  • Required Pilots - number of pilots



Creating individual Fronstage services. A macro script that runs multiple sub-scripts in bulk.

  • K8s NameSpace Tenant Resource - select the Kubernetes where the services will be installed

  • SuperAdmin login - the user who will be listed as admin for the service


K8s POD WebSite

Create a WebSite module.

  • K8s NameSpace Tenant Resource - select the Kubernetes where the services will be installed


Website Chat Configuration

Creates configuration templates for WebChat, which must then be manually modified according to the specific installation, using ReactAdmin, see. Installation including WebChat and IM.

PBX virtual configure tenant

Creates a virtual PBX based on provided parameters.

  • K8s NameSpace Tenant Resource - PBX tenant. Only one virtual PBX is supported in a single tenant.

  • Ext digits - Number length for extensions. For example, if you type here “3”, a particular extension number can be written as “404”.

  • Numbering - The numbering plan appropriate for the PBX deployment region, it is shared over the same ID as AS7.

  • Used for call emulation - If active, enables channels for inbound and outbound calls (see ChannelUsage). If inactive, use for chat and “non-voice” logging is assumed.

  • Emulated PSTN DID prefix - Calls dialed to a number with this prefix are emulated as external inbound calls (helpful for traffic generators and “demo” systems).

  • Emulated PSTN Autoanswer prefix - Calls dialed to a number with this prefix are emulated so that after 2s, they pretend to be “answered” by the customer, otherwise external calls just “ring”.


PBX virtual configure workplaces

Creates workplaces on a virtual PBX based on provided parameters.

Performs the configuration of workplace and extension. Modifies the virtual PBX tenant, does not create a new one. If the PBX has the Used for call emulation option enabled, the Voice channel is enabled for workstations, otherwise only Chat and Message. If the Emulated PSTN DID prefix value is filled in addition to this option, then for Workplace, it fills in ExternalNumber as a concatenation of this prefix and the extension number.

  • K8s NameSpace Tenant Resource - PBX tenant.

  • PBX virtual tenant resource - Workplaces will be created on this PBX (PBX created using PBX virtual configure tenant).

  • Workplace numbers - Numbers of workplaces being created, comma separated, without spaces (the length of numbers must meet Ext digits parameter set while running PBX virtual configure tenant)
