Requirements and architecture

Web applications

The application server has web applications where users or administrators work, built on React technology (ReactClient, ReactAdmin, …), supporting all generally available modern browsers.


The exact specification of supported browsers can be found on the React project website.

Operation system

FrontStage applications require Windows Server 2016 (or later) or Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or later.

At least .NET Framework 8 must be installed on the computer.

For easier management of database accounts, services, applications, and users, we recommend that accounts are centrally managed under Microsoft (Azure) or Google desktop environments, where OAuth2 technology can be used for authentication in FrontStage.


If the server is not connected to the Internet, use domain accounts.

Asterisk as an IVR requires a Linux operating system. However, Asterisk is not required for the AS7 PBX.


Asterisk is often used as an IVR server but can also serve as a PBX and predictive dialer (controlling outgoing predictive calls). A single Asterisk installation usually performs all the roles.

Database server


The supported application database is Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (or later) and PostgreSQL server 14 (or later).

Except for very small installations, always use the Standard edition or higher, as the Express edition (free) has very low limits on performance and database size.


Usually a single database server is used by all services.

In smaller installations, the database server is usually on the same machine as the application server. However, due to the rapidly increasing demands, we recommend deploying it on a separate machine.


No restrictions. We recommend VMware 6.0 (and later) or HyperV.

Application server


The application server does not require high machine performance because it manages other FrontStage components or retrieves information from them.


We recommend a separate machine for the largest installations. In other cases, it is shared with the Record web. In the smallest installations, the database is also on the machine.


No restrictions. We recommend VMware 6.0 (and later) or HyperV.

Record web


It will work on any operating system (Windows, Linux) that can run at least the .NET 7 framework. The performance requirements of a recording server are usually not high.

External uploading is supported, where the recording is made by another service (e.g., Asterisk or SBC ) and Record web then downloads the recording and continues working with it. Direct recording is then only supported using the AS7 PBX.


It is common that it runs on the same machine as the application server.


A physical server may be required. Otherwise, it is possible to run virtualized without restrictions in VMware or HyperV.



Usually, the freely available Asterisk Linux software control panel is used as an IVR. We recommend Debian/Ubuntu as the operating system to install Asterisk. We recommend Asterisk version 13 and later.


Even for the largest installations, one Asterisk IVR server is sufficient.


Because Asterisk runs on Linux, virtualization using older HyperV releases can be problematic. We recommend the latest HyperV or VMware 6.5 (and later).