Configuration parameters

FrontStage system parameters. All configuration parameters are divided into tabs according to the respective setting areas.

Communication channels

FrontStage supports many communication channels. For some configuration parameters, you select the channels to which the settings will apply.

Sometimes you can conveniently do so using the checkboxes in the administration. Other times you have to specify the selected channels by calculating the bitmask.

All technically existing channels and their values (indices) for calculating the bit mask:

  • PbxIn = 0

  • Email = 1

  • SMS = 2

  • Fax = 3

  • BusinessIM = 4

  • SocialWall = 5

  • SocialIM = 6

  • SocialMsg = 7

  • WebIM = 8

  • PbxOut = 9

  • Visitor = 10

  • Task = 11

  • Note = 12

  • CallPrivate = 13

  • CallDirect = 14

  • Issue = 15

  • ScenarioResult = 16

  • Contact = 17

  • KbArticle = 18

  • ClientAlert = 19

What is a bit mask?

Many of the following configuration parameters and other fields in FrontStage require writing a bit mask. This is a common way of writing multiple choice in computing and programming, but difficult for the average user to understand.

A bit mask is a sequence of bits (true/false values) that you write as an integer.

Example of calculation

For example, for some roles, a channel bitmask is expected for the Level indication field of the Scopes entity. You use the numeric channel indexes in the calculation.

  1. You want to select the Issue (value 15), Visitor (10), PbxOut (9), WebIM (8), Email (1), and PbxIn (0) channels.

  2. For each selected item, calculate its value using the formula

    \[2^{item\ index}\]


    \[2^{15} + 2^{10} + 2^9 + 2^8 + 2^1 + 2^0 = x\]
  3. The result of 34563 is the sum of the item values:

    \[32768 + 1024 + 512 + 256 + 2 + 1 = 34563\]

Call handling

Configuration parameter



A switch that determines whether outbound calls with automatic dialing from the IVR-A are to be redistributed to agents after the IVR ends according to the Distribution Rules for inbound calls (true), or always terminated regardless of the IVR-A progress (false).


A switch that allows you to delete an item immediately after the voicemail message is sent (true). Otherwise, the message is left as read in the voicemail box (false).


A delay (in milliseconds) between operations performed on the outbound pilot number. Possible values are from 100 to 10,000.


A switch disabling the overwriting of already filled values in steps QueryDb and QueryCsv, QueryUrlJson, ReadSentence, etc. with values from the query in the IVR script, IMR script and in the WF script. Do not overwrite (true) or overwrite (false).


The path where the TTS converter generates files.


Maximum message duration [sec].


The maximum age of read messages before their automatic deletion [days].


A switch that allows you to replace the call clearance simulation with a simple calculation.

  • true – estimate

  • false – simulation

When the number of calls is high, the distribution loop runs disproportionately long. You can speed it up by turning off simulation (value true).


A degree of logging the course of IVR processing. None - nothing, Marker - only NopOK marks, Real - only the steps taken, All - everything.


The default maximum time (in milliseconds) to complete the command for the Prompt, Question, Exec, and Transfer commands. The usual value is 300000 (5 minutes).


The number of agents who, even though they are free, are not considered by predictive dialing and are left as a reserve (a positive number) or, conversely, it may lead to excessive workload (negative number).


The default path that is added before all file names played in the IVR. It is recommended to end it with “/”; file names should not start with “/”.


The minimum number of successful calls from which the value of actual callability, actual call duration, and actual dialing duration is to be recalculated for each OutboundList. If this value is not reached for the OutboundCalcWindow interval, the OutboundCalcWindow value is used as doubled. If the limit is not reached even then, the values are left uncalculated.


Maximum announcement duration [sec].


The maximum delay of information from the branch exchange after information from the IVR module (in milliseconds). The usual value 1200.


Automatic hanging up of project calls after Disconnect. The time is in milliseconds. Zero or blank means that the function is disabled.


The time in milliseconds that is inserted between the Consult and the Transfer operations and further attempts if TwoStepTransfer is used (see the ExternalTransferAsTwoStep parameter).


A switch that allows calls to the Announcement and WaitingQueue extensions to be answered upon arrival, so that the telephone system generates music (true) or maintains normal ringing behavior (false).


A folder in which recordings of standard IVR announcements are stored in standard subfolders. Subfolders: Digits, Numbers, Months, Dates, Years, WeekDays.


The IVR system generates time using compound announcements created from announcements for tens and units (false), or uses one announcement (true) for all numbers.


The time in seconds after which the values of the actual callability, actual call duration and the actual dialing duration should be recalculated.


Indicates the method of arranging calls. The default is according to EnqueueingTime (either NULL or invalid value or Enqueue); the second option is according to PilotTime (the Pilot value).


A switch that allows you to choose whether phone numbers should be normalized according to the numbering plan (false) for inbound calls before being stored in the DB or left as they came from the CTI connector (true) - the previous behavior before V3.12.


Enables the option to record calls dialled using ActionImage in the grid in the OutboundCall table as CallType=Private.


Option to disable (false) unnecessary events: PreCondition, ProjectCondition, PostCondition, WaitPostCondition, ScenarioOpen, Scenario.


An advance (in minutes) before the desired call time, for which possible intervals are calculated if scheduling to the desired time is not possible.


The ID of the template (MessageId) to be used as a notification of a new message in the mailbox. Possible expansion is $CallerNumber$ - the caller’s number, $MailBox$ - the mailbox number.


Possibility to switch from distribution based on “calls to agents” (false) to a reverse algorithm based on the “agents to calls” principle (true). The reverse algorithm does not support skill level selection from multiple free agents and the preferred agent functionality.


Change the algorithm that identifies calls when transferred to the queue. The default algorithm (false) relies on time sequence, continuity of CLIP and redirector and PbxId; the changed algorithm (true) checks during the call transfer whether PbxId has already been assigned before (systems with an external IVR and many callers with the same CLIP and redirector).


Maximum number of outbound calls that are processed in one scheduling cycle. The usual value is 100; the minimum is 1 and the maximum is 100000.


The maximum time for which ServiceSync waits to transfer a call if the caller is on pilot or direct entry internal. The usual value is 15; the minimum is 0 and the maximum is 120 seconds.


The number of seconds before the waiting rules for inbound messages are evaluated again.

  • The minimum value 30, the maximum is 3600

  • NULL – The message waiting check is disabled


The time until which the call must be transferred to the agent; the call can be transferred to the waiting announcement, to the IVR or from the IVR during internal processes. The usual value is 20; the minimum is 2 and the maximum 120 seconds.


The default path that is added before the names of files uploaded using the IVR. It is recommended to end it with “/”; file names should not start with “/”.


The operator’s number used by voicemail.


THe maximum time [sec] for which call control waits to allocate a free announcement port or a queue port. If not found, the call is left where it is.


Login details for HTTP download of IVR messages


Time (in ms) after which predictive calls are to be answered automatically (at workplaces CtiMode=Active). 0 = immediately, blank or -1 = do not answer. During the delay, the agent can answer the call manually. The call will not ring longer than Agent.MaxRinging.


Indicates that for IVR scripts, the value from the CTI (true) should be used as the caller’s number and not the data supplied by the IVR module (false).


Indicates that the division into the Consult step and then Transfer (true) should be used for transfers to external numbers instead of SingleStepTransfer (false). It plays a role for some branch exchanges or external connection types.


The default path that is added before the names of files when downloading files loaded using SAMBA. It is recommended to end it with “"; file names should not start with “".


Indicates that, when transferring a call to the IVR, it is necessary that the call is first answered and then transferred using SingleStepTranser (true), and not the usual way using Divert (false).


Indicates that, for chats returned to the queue, the EnqueuingTime, RoutingDuration, QueuePosition values should be reset (true) and not inherited from the primary chat (false).


Indicates that the statistical fields in the Predictor table should be updated after each pass through the predictor loop.


Time in milliseconds during which the system should wait for the Ringing state if TwoStepTransfer is used (see the ExternalTransferAsTwoStep parameter).


Enables the ability to dial a call immediately for outbound calls without an acceptance phase for calls marked with the Predistributed (Predist) flag. Enabled - true, disabled - false.


The maximum depth of nesting of IVR script calls, after which the script is terminated with an error. The typical value is 10.


The maximum batch size of calls dialled by the dialer and performed in one cycle. The normal value is 32.


If a number that is not the voicemail box owner calls the voicemail input, the caller is prompted to enter the voicemail box number (false). This switch can disable this option so that voicemail boxes are accessible only from the owner’s extension (true) and not remotely.


Switches whether during the operation of ‘Reconnect to the caller’ and transfer the controlling call should be the one delayed in waiting (false - e.g. for A5000 exchanges) or the active one (true - e.g. for Siemens exchanges).


The default maximum ringing duration if no workplace is identified.


Indicates whether the PreferredAgent field should be pre-populated for the outbound call with the ToContinue and TalkError results for the agent who saves the result so that the call is preferably given to the agent, or whether the field will be left as is (false).


The number of attempts to perform a transfer if TwoStepTransfer is used (see the ExternalTransferAsTwoStep parameter).


The extension number used to control outbound calls using the Ring method. Blank - the function is not used.


A switch to release the condition for pairing a call in the client application. If enabled (true), the system does not require a match of the transferring extension, which may be blank for the call. Used for a branch exchange that does not monitor RedirectingParty.


The maximum number of script steps after which the script is terminated. Used to avoid endless loops. The usual value is 500.


Indicates that the call bar should not start dialing at all (MakeCall, Consult) if the check against the numbering plan determines that it is definitely an invalid telephone number (true). Works without a check (false).


Select how to compare the remote party’s number when handing over between endpoints. Possible values: Normal, External, Gsm, Exact, Last5, Last7, Last9. Default value: Normal.


The default priority of a rescheduled call when you check Directly To Me; the agent can change. NULL = must be selected by the agent when rescheduling.


Indicates that the statistical fields in the OutboundList table should be updated after each pass through the predictor loop.


The maximum time (in seconds) for how long the autodialer waits for the subscriber to connect.


The number of seconds before the waiting rules for inbound calls and chats are evaluated again.

  • The minimum value is 2; the maximum value is 300


Indicates that, for calls returned to the queue, the EnqueuingTime, RoutingDuration, QueuePosition values should be reset (true) and not inherited from the primary call (false).


A switch that allows calls to the Announcement and WaitingQueue extensions to be put on hold upon arrival so that the telephone system generates music (true); alternatively, the normal ringing behavior is maintained (false).


Maximum unread message age before automatic deletion [days].


The ID of the template (MessageId) to be used to send a new voice message from the mailbox. Possible placeholders include $CallerNumber$ - the caller’s number, $MailBox$ - the mailbox number.


An delay (in minutes) after the desired call time, for which possible intervals are calculated if scheduling for the desired time is not possible.


Enables the option to record calls dialed from the bar (MakeCall) in the OutboundCall table as CallType=Private.


A switch that allows the conference button to be displayed during a two-call consultation.


The subject of emails that the VM sends as a notification or message. Possible placeholders include $CallerNumber$ and $MailBox$.


The maximum time in minutes for active calls after hanging up. A blank field means the control is disabled.


A switch that determines whether the IvrFeedback flag of the call is checked when the call is hung up and, if set, converts the call to an IVR continuation instead of hanging up. (false - do not check, true - check).


The IVR system generates numbers from 20 till 99 using compound announcements created from announcements for tens and units (false), or uses one announcement (true) for all numbers.


The amount of time, in seconds, to be used in the past to recalculate the actual reachability rate, actual call duration and actual dialling time for each OutboundList.


The maximum time of the total IVR script run. Stated in seconds. When exceeded, the script is terminated without any subsequent processing and the call is lost. The usual value is 1800; the minimum value is 60 and the maximum is 60000.


The IVR system generates the day of the month using compound announcements created from announcements for tens and units (false), or uses one announcement (true) for all numbers.


Configuration parameter



An ID of the query that fills the two-level dropdown of Teams - Agents in Bulk Assignment and Return of Issues.


The ID of the query that provides a transcript of the call recording; always a word per line. The query must return the ChannelNumber, TranscriptionItemId, StartOffset, EndOffset, SentenceNumber, and Text columns. The query parameter is @RecordId in the sense of CallRecordId (VoiceRecordId).


The ID of the query that provides notes for the contact in the editors. The query must return the Id, TimeLocal, AgentId, BodyHtml, and AttachmentCount columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the ID of the contact for which notes are to be searched is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column.


The ID of the query used to monitor the course of the Assign and Return Issues bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query used to monitor the Change Message Metadata bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query that provides outbound call notes must contain the BookmarkId, Offset, TimeUtc, Note, EvaluatorId, EvaluatorName, and UpdatedTimeUtc columns.


The ID of the query that provides the outbound call history in the call editor. The query must return the TimeLocal, EventType, TextTooltip, Url, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName, the ID of the call for which the history is to be searched is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column, and the same applies to the EventType converter.


The ID of the query used to monitor the Respond to Messages bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query that fills the Campaign dropdown in Bulk Messaging. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Gateway.Channel columns (for phone number/email validation).


The ID of the query that renders a list of validations for DDN in the authorization dialog. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that provides an overview of recordings for an inbound call. The query must return the StartTimeUtc, LocalNumber, RemoteNumber, Direction, Duration, Url, and StateInfo columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the call ID for which the history is to be searched is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in TargetFormat is respected for the StartTimeUtc column, and the same applies to the TargetFormat column for the Url.


The ID of the query used to monitor the Change Agent Language bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of a data query used to display the number of events in the Traffic Model. The first column (TimeUtc) must be the DateTimeUtc model, the second column (Total) indicates the number of communications per period, and the third column (Servants) indicates the required number of agents. The parameter is RecordId = TrafficId.


The ID of the query that fills the Topic dropdown list in the snippet edit mode. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, and SpecificName columns.


The ID of the query used to monitor the Send Messages bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query used to monitor the Post Board Settings bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query that renders a list of outbound campaigns for DDN in the ad-hoc call portlet. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that fills the Campaign dropdown in SMS Bulk Sending. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, and SpecificName columns.


The ID of the query used to monitor the Preference Time Shift bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query used to monitor the course of the Assign and Return Message bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query that renders a list of bulk campaigns for DDN in the editors. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that renders a list of agents for DDN in the issue editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that renders a list of agents for DDN in the chat editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that provides the chat history in the call editor. The query must return the TimeLocal, EventType, TextTooltip, Url, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the ID of the chat for which the history is to be searched is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column, and the same applies to the EventType converter.


The ID of the query that provides the inbound call history in the call editor. The query must return the TimeLocal, EventType, TextTooltip, Url, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the ID of the call for which the history is to be searched is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column, and the same applies to the EventType converter.


The ID of the query used to monitor the course of the Assign and Return Outbound Call bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query that renders a list of agents for DDN in the Shift Schedule portlet. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName (Crew or TeamName?), and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that populates the two-level dropdown of Teams - Agents in Bulk Assignment and Return of Inbound Calls.


The ID of the query that provides the proof history in the proof editor. The query must return the TimeUtc, EventType, Tooltip, Url, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId; the ID of the proof for which the history is to be searched is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column, and the same applies to the EventType converter.


The ID of the query that provides the message history in the message editor. The query must return the TimeLocal, EventType, TextTooltip, Url, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the ID of the message for which the history is to be searched is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column, and the same applies to the EventType converter.


The ID of the query used to monitor the Change Agent Project Involvement bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query used to monitor the Change State Blocking bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query that provides the related proof communication in the proof editor. The query must return the TimeLocal, Editor, Id, AgentId, NewUrl, InfoText, InfoToolTip, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName, the ID of the proof for which the history is to be retrieved is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column.


The ID of the query used to monitor the Send SMS bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query that populates the Projects dropdown menu in the Bulk Change of Agent Involvement in Projects. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, and SpecificName columns.


The ID of the query that provides the available records for authorization by ContactId. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, GdprCoverage, ExpireAfter, and ObliviateAfter columns. The query parameter is contactId, ExpireAfter, ObliviateAfter.


The ID of the query that renders a list of crews for DDN in editors. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns.


The ID of the query that renders a list of team names for DDN in the knowledge article editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns.


The ID of the query that provides related phone numbers / emails in the phone directory editor. The parameter is the list ID in the RecordId parameter.


The ID of the data query used to display the number of required agents in the Traffic Model. The first column (TimeUtc) must be the DateTimeUtc model, the second column (Servants) indicates the required number of agents. The parameter is RecordId = TrafficId.


The ID of the query that fills the two-level dropdown of Teams - Agents in Bulk Assignment and Return of Messages.


The ID of the query that renders a list of projects for DDN in the chat editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that renders a list of agents for DDN in the client noticeboard editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that fills the Campaign dropdown in Bulk Outbound IVR. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, and SpecificName columns.


The ID of the query that fills the Campaign dropdown in Bulk Message Response. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, and SpecificName columns.


Querry ID, which generates list of the projects, that are presented in a drop-down menu, which is displayed in call editors (both inbound and outbound). The query must return the ID, DisplayName, SpecificName and Glyph columns. Query parameters are AgentID and TeamName.


The ID of the query that fills the IVR script in Bulk Outbound IVR. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, and SpecificName columns.


The ID of the query that renders a list of states for the DDN in bulk actions. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId.


The ID of the query that renders a list of agents for the DDN in the proof editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the data query for displaying agents in the actual Shift Schedule (via WfmAgents); it must first return the AgentId column, then Color, and then Agent.DisplayName.


The ID of the query that provides related contacts in the telephone directory editor. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the list ID is in the RecordId parameter.


The ID of the query that provides the related proof communication in the contact editor. The query must return the TimeLocal, Editor, Id, AgentId, NewUrl, InfoText, InfoToolTip, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName, the ID of the contact for which the history is to be retrieved is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column.


The ID of the query that provides related forms and ratings in the contact editor. The query must return the TimeUtc, Id, AgentId, ActivityGlyph, InfoText, InfoToolTip, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName, the ID of the contact for which the history is to be retrieved is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeUtc column.


The ID of the query that provides the related outbound call communication in the call editor. The query must return the TimeLocal, Editor, Id, AgentId, NewUrl, InfoText, InfoToolTip, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName, the ID of the call for which the history is to be retrieved is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column.


The ID of the query that provides related forms and ratings in the call editor. The query must return the TimeUtc, Id, AgentId, ActivityGlyph, InfoText, InfoToolTip, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName, the ID of the call for which the history is to be retrieved is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeUtc column.


The ID of the query that renders a list of agents for the DDN in the message editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that renders a list of capacity rules for the DDN in bulk actions. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId.


The ID of a data query for displaying the number of WfmSlots in individual half-hours of the day in the Traffic Model. The first TimeUtc column must be the DateTimeUtc model, the second and every other with the Integer model specifies the number of agents with a specific activity group (WfmActivity.GroupName). For example, the second one combines all work activities, the third column all breaks. The parameters are FilterTimeFrom, FilterTimeTo; the specification for the actual plan must be a part of the query.


The ID of the query that renders a list of agents for the DDN in the outbound call editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that renders a list of projects for the DDN in the issue editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that renders a list of projects for the DDN in the chat editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that renders a list of agent templates for the DDN in the agent’s visual editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query used to monitor the Change Agent State bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query that renders a list of agents for the DDN in the authorization editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that provides notes for the contact in the editors. The query must return the Id, TimeLocal, AgentId, BodyHtml, and AttachmentCount columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the ID of the contact for which notes are to be searched is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column.


The ID of the query used to monitor the Forward Messages bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query used to monitor the Busy Condition Settings bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query that fills the Template dropdown in Message Bulk Sending. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, and SpecificName columns.


The ID of the query that renders a list of projects for the DDN in the telephone call or portal editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that renders a list of projects for the DDN in the noticeboard editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that renders a list of queries for dropdown bars for the DDN in bulk actions. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId.


The ID of the query that fills the Template dropdown in the Bulk Message Reply. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, and SpecificName columns.


The ID of the query that fills the Template dropdown in SMS Bulk Sending. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, and SpecificName columns.


The ID of the query that provides inbound call notes must contain the BookmarkId, Offset, TimeUtc, Note, EvaluatorId, EvaluatorName, and UpdatedTimeUtc columns.


The ID of the query that renders a list of projects for the DDN in the message editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query used to monitor the Change Chat Metadata bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query that provides the issue history in the call editor. The query must return the TimeLocal, EventType, TextTooltip, Url, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the ID of the issue for which the history is to be looked up is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column, and the same applies to the EventType converter.


The ID of the query that renders a list of legalizations for the DDN in the proof editor. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query, which generates the list of the projects, fro the drop down menu, in Current call information portlet. The query must return Id, DisplayName, SpecificName and Glyph columns. Query parameters are AgentId and TeamName. When updating from the dacpac package, the value of the parameter will be filled automaticlly, default value is the query ID, which is functionally the same as the original one ( DropDownProjectsInCallDataQueryId ). That means the copy of the query will be created and you can alter or replace it. Default query definition can be found in Standard-Dropdowns.


The ID of the query that renders a list of outbound campaigns for DDN in the editors. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that provides the available records for authorization by PhoneNumberId. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, GdprCoverage, ExpireAfter, and ObliviateAfter columns. The query parameter is contactId, ExpireAfter, ObliviateAfter.


The ID of the query that populates the two-level dropdown of Teams - Agents in Bulk Assignment and Return of Outbound Calls.


The ID of the query that provides an overview of recordings for an outbound call. The query must return the StartTimeUtc, LocalNumber, RemoteNumber, Direction, Duration, Url, and StateInfo columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the ID of the call for which the history is to be looked up is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in TargetFormat is respected for the StartTimeUtc column, and the same applies to the TargetFormat column for the Url.


The ID of the query that fills the Campaign dropdown in Message Bulk Sending. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, and SpecificName columns.


The ID of the query that renders a list of traffic models for the DDN in the editors. The query must return the Id (TrafficUId), DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that renders a list of scenarios for the DDN in the editors. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the query that renders a list of languages for the DDN in the editors. The query must return the Id, DisplayName, SpecificName, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName.


The ID of the data query used to display agents in the draft Shift Schedule (via WfmPlanMembers); it must first return the AgentId column, then Color, and then the Agent.DisplayName column.


The ID of the query that provides the related chat communication in the chat editor. The query must return the TimeLocal, Editor, Id, AgentId, NewUrl, InfoText, InfoToolTip, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the ID of the chat for which the history is to be retrieved is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column.


The ID of the query that provides the related inbound call communication in the call editor. The query must return the TimeLocal, Editor, Id, AgentId, NewUrl, InfoText, InfoToolTip, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName, the ID of the call for which the history is to be retrieved is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column.


The ID of the query that provides related forms and ratings in the chat editor. The query must return the TimeUtc, Id, AgentId, ActivityGlyph, InfoText, InfoToolTip, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the ID of the chat for which the history is to be retrieved is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeUtc column.


The ID of the query that provides related forms and ratings in the call editor. The query must return the TimeUtc, Id, AgentId, ActivityGlyph, InfoText, InfoToolTip, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName, the ID of the call for which the history is to be retrieved is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeUtc column.


The ID of the query that provides the related message communication in the message editor. The query must return the TimeLocal, Editor, Id, AgentId, NewUrl, InfoText, InfoToolTip, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the ID of the message for which the history is to be retrieved is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column.


The ID of the query that provides related forms and ratings in the message editor. The query must return the TimeUtc, Id, AgentId, ActivityGlyph, InfoText, InfoToolTip, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the ID of the message for which the history is to be retrieved is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeUtc column.


The ID of the query used to monitor the course of the Assign and Return Inbound Call bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query used to monitor a manual action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query used to monitor the Outbound IVR bulk action. The @RecordId parameter is ChangeRequestId of the OperationHeader type. The columns are respected.


The ID of the query that provides related forms and ratings in the issue editor. The query must return the TimeUtc, Id, AgentId, ActivityGlyph, InfoText, InfoToolTip, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the ID of the issue for which the history is to be retrieved is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeUtc column.


The ID of the query that provides the related issue communication in the issue editor. The query must return the TimeLocal, Editor, Id, AgentId, NewUrl, InfoText, InfoToolTip, and Glyph columns. The query parameter is AgentId and TeamName; the ID of the chat for which the history is to be retrieved is in the RecordId parameter. The formatting in the TargetFormat is respected for the TimeLocal column.


The ID of the data query used to display the number of service extensions (OfficeSlots) in a bar chart of the office plan editor (OfficePlanEditor). It must contain the StartTimeUtc, EndTimeUtc, and SlotLimit columns.


Configuration parameter



Editor buttons displayed - permission Advanced (>= Write)


A switch that determines whether only directly connected communications (InboundCall.IssueId, OutbounCall.IssueId, Message.IsueId) should be displayed in the issue overview for the issue or whether communication connected via CallEvent and MessageEvent (i.e. previously connected) should also be uploaded.


The group name in the Navigation table, which will be used in the article editor to display export and print icons and actions.


The group name in the Navigation table, which will be used in the outbound message editor to display export and print icons and actions.


The name of the group in the Navigation table, which will be used in the chat editor to display export and print icons and actions.


HTML code used as original message and response separator. Parameter value is HTML code itself, which is then inserted after the mail signatureand and before the original message. It can contain these values:

  • {0} - original field “”From””

  • {1} - the time of receiving the original message (you can use .NET formating)

  • {2} - original field “”To””

  • {3} - original field “”Cc””

  • {4} - original field “”Subject””

Example: <br><hr>From: {0}<br>Sent: {1}<br>To: {2}<br>Cc: {3}<br>Subject: {4}<br>

This parameter can be global and local at the same time. If inserted for particular gateway locally, it is superior to the global one.


The name of the group in the Navigation table that will be used in the evidence editor to display export and print icons and actions.


The name of the group in the Navigation table that will be used in the crew editor to display export and print icons and actions.


Indicates whether the fields of the contact’s main data form (true - yes, false - no) should also be used as form fields when expanding the inserted template in the email.


The first time an issue is saved (New activity), the AgentId field is overwritten by the saving agent. The automatically created issues are thus assigned to the one who actually worked with them first.


The maximum number of entries in the drop-down lists for meta data: Agent, Project, Language, Campaign, History (calls, messages, chat), Notes (for issues, messages), Voice recordings…


The group name in the Navigation table, which will be used in the form editor to display export and print icons and actions.


Indicates whether the inbound message editor window should be closed after the user clicks on Save (true), or not (false).


Indicates whether the outbound message editor window should be closed after the user clicks on Save (true), or not (false).


The maximum number of generated ‘ETL export’ records for functionality testing


The group name in the Navigation table, which will be used in the inbound message editor to display export and print icons and actions.


The template name mask used as the new email signature and the agent signature generator. The mask is used to select a template narrowed by gateway, project, language, team, and agent. This data is taken from the Issue. Used only when creating an email with IssueId.


A switch whether messages and inserted images should be copied during the Forward and the Copy operations (true) or not (false).


Allows you to display the Reply/…/Return action buttons even for messages that, though not accepted, are assigned to an agent. Values: true - enabled, false - disabled.


The template name mask used as the email reply signature and the agent signature generator. The mask is used to select a template narrowed by gateway, project, language, team, and agent. The OriginalEmailSeparator is inserted after the template.


If the scenario wizard is on a page with mandatory fields that are not filled in, saving and progression to the next step is blocked.


A depth of tracing of all communication associated with a message when displayed in the editor


A list of options to appear in the Issue. Possible values: Email; Fax; SMS; Call, Note, Task


Indicates whether the fields of the main data form of the issue should be used as form fields when expanding the inserted template in the email (true - yes, false - no).


If enabled, deletes all subordinate contacts when deleting a contact.


Indicates that calls generated from the icon in the Issue tab should have Predistribution (predist) preset.


The name of the group in the Navigation table that will be used in the list editor to display export and print icons and actions.


The name of the group in the Navigation table that will be used in the shift scheduling editor to display export and print icons and actions.


Indicates whether the original message should be closed and get the Closed state (true) or left as is (false) after the forward operation.


The name of the group in the Navigation table that will be used in the issue editor to display export and print icons and actions.


Allows deleting the relevant entry in PhoneNumber from the contact editor. Deleting a contact also deletes the corresponding phone number. (values: “true”, “false”)


The maximum length of an SMS message in the editor. A standard SMS has 160 characters. For multipart SMS, these are multiples of 153.


The name of the group in the Navigation table, which will be used in the chat editor to display export and print icons and actions.


Allows you to display the Reply/…/Return action buttons even for messages that are not accepted and are not assigned to anyone. True - enabled, false - disabled.


Indicates whether the inbound message editor window should be closed after the user clicks on Forward (true), or not (false).


Window parameters for copying values from the paging template.


The name of the group in the Navigation table that will be used in the contact editor to display export and print icons and actions.


A default model for new contacts when creating from a panel.


Controls the drop down list presence, for project change on the issue panel (for inbound calls, outbound calls, chat, messages). The default value is false, which means list is not present. When the value is true, it is being displayed. Editing is controlled by EditIssue permission.


Parameters of the window for editing the condition of displaying a client post. The usual value is “dialogWidth=450px;dialogHeight=180px;center=yes;scroll=no;status=no;unadorned=yes”


If the scenario wizard is on a page with mandatory fields that are not filled in, saving and progression to the next step is blocked.


Indicates whether the fields of all associated forms should be used as form fields when expanding the inserted template in the email (true - yes, false - no).


The name of the group in the Navigation table, which will be used in the chat editor to display export and print icons and actions.


The name of the group in the Navigation table, which will be used in the chat editor to display export and print icons and actions.


The name of the group in the Navigation table that will be used in the message editor to display export and print icons and actions.


Indicates whether the inbound message editor window should be closed after the user clicks on Reply or Reply to all (true), or not (false).


The name of the group in the Navigation table that will be used in the phone number / email address editor to display icons and actions for export and printing.


After merging contacts: The maximum time limit in minutes for which the renaming of ContactId in ServiceBulk can run.


The name of the group in the Navigation table, according to which tabs will be created for sorting communications in the issue editor. Blank means a default behavior without tabs. The following items must be filled in the Navigation table: Name - tooltip icon, Group - corresponds to the name in this parameter, Order, Url - icon, Parameters - ID of the data query providing the data; the DQ must have the following columns: TimeLocal, ToolTip, ImageUrl, DisplayName, OpenUrl, Class.


Editor buttons displayed - permission Basic (< Read)


Parameters of the window for editing the telephone number. The usual value is “dialogWidth=450px;dialogHeight=180px;center=yes;scroll=no;status=no;unadorned=yes”


After merging contacts: The number of entries for which the ContactId is always renamed in one of the affected database tables within one batch in ServiceBulk. DB tables are processed sequentially.


In the history of the Contact, Issue, Message, and Call communications, a part of the number/address is clickable and allows the user to create a new communication for the number/address (false). This switch allows this feature to be disabled (true).


Select the first gateway when composing a new message


Indication that calls generated from the list of related communications in the editors should be preset to Direct selection (predist).


Select the first gateway when replying to a message


Editor buttons displayed - permission Normal (Read)


The name of the group in the Navigation table that will be used in the WfmAgent editor to display export and print icons and actions.


Configuration parameter



If enabled, the distribution function does not arrange agents according to the level of language proficiency, it only respects the acceptable level. true-enabled, false-disabled.


Maximum number of messages downloaded during one connection to the POP3 server.


A phonebook ID that groups phone numbers and emails for which the issue is not to be traced automatically.


Enables cancellation of the remaining calls that meet the quota (QuotaCondition) after the quota is met (true/false)


Blocks the assignment of issues found for outbound calls without creating a new issue. If no existing issue is found, the creation behavior does not change.


Interval (in minutes), which is being checked among particular agent logins to the system. If a new login was in a shorter time, than this interval, it is not considered valid and it’s not logged to the log file. If the agents login was after this interval, it is considered as a new shift start, it’s filled into Agent.ShiftStart database field.

Possible values:

  • NULL (empty) - The system behaves like until now, function not active, event AgentShift not used.

  • any number - function active, it is being checked. Usually the value should be between one and eight hours. Default value is 120.

  • 0 - every login is considered a new shift


A filter that restricts the workflow menu for PagingTemplate. It is applied to GroupName in Workflow.


The maximum number of automatic replies per address per day.


An issue assignment switch based on number/address if the project of the call is not the same.


Indicates a correlation group that is used as a code list for Agent.Correlation.


Indicates whether the Correlation field of the IM (Chat) is loaded according to the agent settings.


Affects the LastCallUtc value update after agent login. If set to true, the value is updated with the current UTC and the agent is last in the call queue. If set to false, the last known value is kept thus the agent is first in the call queue. Global parameter, affects the behavior of all the queues and and agents. Bool. For more see Agent routing.


The ID of the list of addresses classified as SPAM. This list includes addresses marked with the Block button in the editor, and this list is used as the default SpamCheck node in the IMR.


An issue assignment switch based on number/address if the project of the call is not the same.


The ID of a phone directory that groups phone numbers and emails for which related messages should not be automatically searched by address.


A switch that determines whether the PagingTemplate field and the Phone Directory list will be expanded to paging members using the table using PhoneComposition (false) or ContactComposition (true).


An interval (in sec) for checking status changes for CallRequest steps in the WF.


Allows you to delete blank values from the database for automatically created scenarios after closing. true = delete, false = keep.


An SQL statement for the index for the fact column (integer type) in the data cube for ETL. The parameters are as follows: 0 - table name, 1 - column name


Blocks the assignment of issues found for the chat without creating a new issue. If no existing issue is found, the creation behavior does not change.


Indicates whether the Correlation field for inbound calls (InboundCall) is read according to the settings with the agent.


Indicates whether the Correlation field of the dataset (ScenarioResult) is loaded according to the settings of the agent.


Delay of scheduled outbound calls for lost calls. Stated in minutes.

The time to schedule an outbound call from the time of checking for lost calls. The callback is already established, but if the caller has already been served in the meantime, it will be cancelled.


A format string that generates a value for the IMR node of InsertTemplate (for the $Parameters$ macroelement). It can contain placeholders: {0} = IssueId as GUID, {1} = IssueId as BASE64, {2} = ContactId as GUID, {3 } = ContactId in the form of BASE64


An SQL statement for creating a new data cube for the ETL. The parameters include: 0 - table name, 1 - data type of the key column (in SQL notation - e.g. VARCHAR (48))


The list of ServiceLink channels where you want to enable logging for each service separately. It overrides the basic ServiceLink settings in appsettings.json. Entry e.g.: “Facebook,Tyntec,Yext,Zalo”. The format of this list is not essential - values can be separated by a comma, period, or semicolon or written as one long string. The important thing is to keep the correct service name ( on the backend by using string.contains()). For more information, see. Logging of individual channels.


Specifies the block size to be read from the OutBoundCall table when exporting data to CSV.


Indicates whether each channel is considered separately or together (except for calls) for load calculation. If not, the load is added for all pieces of communication.


A number of days used to search for related messages. The normal value depends on the quantity of messages; the minumum is 0 (function off) and the maximum is 5 years.


Indicates that only nodes of the Person type (true) should be expanded to call fronts in the hierarchy expansion, or that all nodes should be expanded (false).


Specifies the depth of recursion when expanding the contact hierarchy for paging purposes. 0 - only current contact, 1 - current and first layer of subordinates, etc.


If emails or tasks are returned when the agent logs off, it returns only those that are in the Read or Received or New (true) phase, or it also returns Accepted, Draft, and Open (false).


A switch that prevents the QueryDb and QueryCsv steps from overwriting already filled values with values from a query in the worflow script. Do not overwrite (true), overwrite (false).


The maximum number of attempts to send an SMS.


Delay sending SMS after a failed attempt. In seconds.


How to check the consistency of the status of extensions and databases after startup. This function only works for A5000 and MX-ONE (emulation via DND).

  • NULL or None - mechanism CSTA “AgentState” is not initialized(agent’s status can’t be changed with the help of the buttons on the device). Database values in Status.CstaState not valid in this case.

  • DbMaster - PBX is set according to the DB

  • PbxMaster - DB is set according to the PBX

  • ExtensionOnOff - DB is set according to the PBX and agents are logged in according to the extensions number (SystemPIN = extension number)


An interval (in sec) for checking status changes for EmailRequest steps in the WF.


A switch to enable the night reset of AgentCorrelation event duration. The usual value is false - off.


Indicates that an issue should not be traced for outbound calls, and a new issue should always be opened.


Time delay for processing lost calls and converting them into scheduled outbound calls. Stated in minutes.

The time from the end of the call before the call is classified for processing. If the caller calls again within this time and is answered, the callback is not created at all, which allows you to eliminate the creation of callbacks if, for example, the caller ended the call themselves or the call dropped and they called again.


An issue assignment switch based on number/address if the project of the chat is not the same.


Indicates that an update to the noticeboard content should be sent to all ProCaller type applications when the post is saved to the noticeboard.


Delay sending after a failed attempt. In seconds.


A list of events from the AgentEvent table to be split into two if their duration extends beyond midnight local time. Use the comma or semicolon as a separator. AgentCalcOn triggers are not invoked during this partitioning… Example: AgentStatus, AgentCorrelation.


Indicates that an issue should not be traced for messages, and a new issue should always be opened.


The maximum number of lost calls waiting in the outbound queue.

Limits the number of calls scheduled this way; if this number of calls or more are already scheduled, it does not schedule more so as to avoid unnecessary scheduling of calls that agents will not have time to process anyway.


Indicates that the AutoPcp mechanism is to be applied even if the branch exchange has already set the corresponding state itself. true - yes, false - no; AutoPcp is activated only for Ready.


A parameter that triggers the mode of automatic login to a state other than Pause (in DesktopClient).


Indicates that the issue should not be traced for inbound calls that do not have a caller’s number and a new issue should be opened.


The ChatGateway.InactivityTimeOut time shift applies if it is a non-answered conversation (ringing, waiting, transferred, reactivated).


The time in minutes within which the call can be answered from the scheduled time. Prevents calling back with a large time gap as such a call may no longer make sense for the caller.


The parameter sets whether the Duration field in the AgentEvent table is populated for AgentStatus, AgentCorrelation, AgentProjectEnable, AgentProjectChannel, AgentLangEnable, and AgentLangChannel events (false), or only to a limited extent for AgentStatus, AgentCorrelation, AgentLogon, and ShiftStart (true). If restricted filling is set, it does not make sense to have the NightAgentProjectReset mechanism running.


The maximum number of displayed paging rules per page


Indicates that data queries set for agents are to be automatically counted and sent to ProCaller-type applications once per DQ.CacheInterval.


An SQL statement for adding a new fact column (integer type) in the data cube for ETL. The parameters are as follows: 0 - table name, 1 - column name


The limit of waiting for a predictive call to the agent, from which the call is only considered suitable for processing as lost. A positive number - number of seconds of waiting from the collection; zero and a negative number - the function is switched off.


Blocks the assignment of issues looked up for messages without creating a new issue. If no existing issue is found, the creation behavior does not change.


Delays the automatic creation of an issue from the moment the message is opened (Read-false) until it is received (Accepted-true).


A switch to enable the night reset of the AgentProjectChannel and AgentProjectEnable event duration. The usual value is false - disabled.


Indicates that an issue should not be looked up for inbound calls and that a new issue should always be opened.


Indicates whether the Correlation field for outbound calls (OutboundCall) is read according to the settings with the agent.


Once the delivered message is loaded by EWS, it is removed from “Inbox” (or other configured folder). Permanent deletion of the message - true. Moving the message to the “Deleted” folder - false .


An interval [ms] between connections to social platform systems. A value between 500 and 600000. Facebook allows at least 2000.


The maximum number of steps performed by the workflow script (protection against an infinite loop). The minimum value is 100.


A switch that prevents the QueryDb, QueryJson and QueryCsv steps from overwriting already filled values with values from a query in the worflow script. Do not overwrite (true), overwrite (false).


The maximum number of displayed paging participants per page


A switch to enable the night reset of the AgentLangChannel and AgentLangEnable event duration. The usual value is false - disabled.


Strings initiating replicas of the chat in the summary view (BodyText) separated by semicolons. The first one is for inbound messages, and the second one is for outbound messages. A possible value is e.g. “» ;«”


If emails or tasks are returned when the agent logs off, then only those are returned that were assigned automatically (true) or all are returned (false).


Indicates whether and how digital signatures of inbound emails should be checked. NULL - do not check, 0 full check, other flags: IgnoreTimeNotValid = 1, IgnoreCtlTimeNotValid = 2, IgnoreTimeNotNested = 4, IgnoreInvalidBasicConstraints = 8, AllowUnknownCa = 16, IgnoreWrongUsage = 32, IgnoreInvalidPolicy = 128, IgnoreEndRevUnknown = 256, IgnoreCtlSignerRevUnknown = 512, IgnoreCaRevUnknown = 1024, IgnoreRootRevUnknown = 2048, UseCacheOnly = 268435456, IgnoreCnNotMatch = 536870912, SkipRevocationCheck = 1073741824.


Indicates whether the Correlation field of messages (Message) is loaded according to the agent settings.


Blocks the assignment of issues found for inbound calls without creating a new issue. If no existing issue is found, the creation behavior does not change.


Indicates whether the Correlation field of issues (Issue) is loaded according to the agent settings.


An interval (in sec) for checking status changes for SmsRequest steps in the WF.


Indicates that the Predist flag is not set when reactivating a chat if the agent is in a state that would return assigned chats (Status.IMReturn=true). true - Predist is canceled, false - Predist is kept.


Allows the cancellation of the remaining calls from a given list (OutboundList) once all its quotas (QuotaCondition) have been reached (true/false)


The minimum MessageId length of the message that will be approximately compared with References. If set to 0, the approximate comparison will not be used at all.


A formatting string for creating the subject of the generated message in the Reply node. The parameter {0} is the original subject of the email supplemented with RE:. NULL will generate a standard RE:


The maximum number of send attempts.


The call waiting threshold, from which the call is considered suitable to be processed as lost. It is useful for eliminating mistakes and wrong inbound calls.

  • Positive number - number of seconds from EnqueuingTime

  • Negative number - number of seconds from PilotTime

  • 0 or NULL - The threshold check is disabled


How to map an agent’s skills to their score.

  • lower - use agents with lower skills first

  • higher - use agents with higher skills first

  • flat - the skill is ignored


How to map an agent’s proficiency to their score.

  • lower - use agents with lower proficiency first

  • higher - use agents with higher proficiency first

  • flat - the proficiency level is ignored


Configuration parameter



Sets the amount of items, from which the Project drop down list should be grouped. See Grouping for drop-down lists


An ID of the data query that populates the list of forms from the Scenario table in the visual form editor.


Indicates in how many fractions of the day a vacation can be split for WFM purposes. For example, 2 means that half a day of vacation can be taken, 1 means full days only.


A character confirming the snippet selection. There may be more than one valid snippet; in that case, they must be written as a sequence of characters without a separator. E.g. :./ -) (a space is a valid confirmation character here)


Indicates that, if the agent changes a contact for a particular piece of communication (call, chat, message) for which an issue exists and this issue does not yet have a contact filled in, the change will be propagated to the issue as well (true).


Sets the amount of items, from which the Call result drop down list should be grouped. See Grouping for drop-down lists


URL used to open an issue from the call bar, the Issue panel. The URL to open ReactClient could be: ../ReactClient/Pages/IssueEditor.html?Id={0}


URL that will be called by the button to pause recording by an external recording system. The expected response is 200 OK. If the response is different, the button state will not change. Parameter 0 will be replaced by the extension number of the workplace to which the request applies.


A switch allowing you to choose whether, once you click in the issue editor in the Issue tab, the editing in the Issue tab should be blocked (true), or it should still be possible to edit the data in both the tab and the editor (false).


Default settings of logged in client models for seating.


A formatting template for internal chat messages in the notification zone. Parameters: {0} time, {1} message text, {2} agent name, {3} derived agent initials.


The ID of the message template used when creating blank emails. If not set, the created email is completely empty. See Default template.


The beginning of our era for WFM purposes


The maximum number of records for captured data queries. The normal value is 2000; the maximum is 100000.


A radio button that allows you to choose whether automatic derivations from the agent name from DisplayName (false) are used as initials in the related communications or history tab, or the Nickname field (true) is used.


The ScenarioId of the form with WfmAgent data that influences shift scheduling (e.g. pregnant, adolescent, etc. vs. overtime, night shift)


The maximum size [kB] of the image to which the image is converted directly to HTML as embedded; otherwise only a link is inserted and the image appears in the list of attachments.


The ID of the data query that fills the agent list for Agents. The query must contain Id, Color and DiplayName. The other columns are optional.

For a sample query, see Model.Sql/Admin-Standard/Standard-Agent.sql.


A URL for the listening termination function that is called using /api/bar/web/Cmd=ListenEnd&Par={0} http://localhost:50300/EndListening?listening={0}&listener={1} The placeholder of {0} is replaced with the parameter from the calling address and {1} with the agent’s workplace number that calls the URL. The BarAction=AllowWrite right is required together with ListenProxy=AllowRead.


An elementary time unit in the work shift editor. In minutes.


Indicates that, if the agent changes a contact for a particular piece of communication (call, chat, message) for which an issue exists and this issue has not yet been closed, the change will be propagated to the issue as well (true).


The ID of the data query that populates the campaign import list in the visual campaign editor.


Default settings of client models used for seating.


Displayed buttons and functions of the Froala editor - permission Normal (Read), JSON structure according to


A data query ID, which fills in the agent template list for the Templates visual editor.


The parameter sets the step when setting the occupancy value using the Occupancy visual editor. The parameter value takes effect in this editor’s Detail subtab.


ReactClient can play the e-mail audio attachements. You should state here the MIME attachement types , for which the media player should be activated. The values should be separated by semicolons. For example audio/wav;audio/mpeg. See also messages for agents


A range of adjustable preferences for seating. The value is a range of integers MIN-MAX; the MIN value must always be less than the MAX value. The default value is 1-3, which is populated when the database is created from the .dacpac package.


Allowed email attachment file extensions for the agent with the UploadAttachment = AllowWrite right. An agent with the UploadAttachment = AllowFull right can attach any file.


Allows you to hide the RatingApp button in a related form of communication that is too sensitive for the agent in terms of GDPR. True = hides the button for sensitive communication, False = GDPR does not affect the button display.


Indicates that toolbar services such as BarAction, WebAction, BarStatus also return mirroring indicators: Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Method, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, and Access-Control-Allow-Credentials.


The ID of the data query that populates the bulk message import list in the visual campaign editor.


The maximum size of the message content and attachments in kB (a sum of all) that the message editor allows to be sent. This is the byte size of HTML, plain text, and binary attachments, not the converted size to EML.


A URL for the listening initiation function that is called using /api/bar/web/Cmd=ListenStart&Par={0} http://localhost:50300/Listening?listening={0}&listener={1} The placeholder of {0} is replaced with the parameter from the calling address and {1} with the agent’s workplace number that calls the URL. The BarAction=AllowWrite right is required together with ListenProxy=AllowRead.


Displayed buttons and functions of the Froala editor - permission Basic (<Read), the JSON structure according to


URL that mediates the download of the recording with the given RecordId (as {0}). Example: http://recsrv/SRecClient/Storage/VoiceDownload.ashx?Id={0}


A URL that will be called by the button to resume recording by an external recording system. The expected response is 200 OK. If the response is different, the button state will not change. Parameter 0 will be replaced by the extension number of the workplace to which the request applies.


A formatting template for internal chat messages for sent messages. Parameters: {0} time, {1} message text, {2} agent name, {3} derived agent initials, {4} local agent name, {5} local agent initials.


A JSON field specifying the URL field and other parameters for indirectly referenced images. For a detailed description, see


Indicates that, if the agent changes a phone number for a particular piece of communication (call, chat, message) for which an issue exists and this issue has not yet been closed, the change will be propagated to the issue as well (true).


Sets the amount of items, from which the OutboundList drop down menu should be grouped. See Grouping for drop-down lists


Select what is to be displayed in the additional data of issue topics (badge). Options: None - nothing, GroupName - value from the Topic.GroupName column, TypeName - value from the TypeName column.


Parameters of the window in which the chat opens the application for parallel web browsing.


The ID of the data query that populates the campaign import list in the visual outbound campaign editor.


Channel group colors separated with semi-colons.


A default work activity that is filled into the space just created in the work and standby layer slot. (Id from WfmActivity table)


A URL to click through from Shift Schedule to the agent shift schedule for the next 7 days


A formatting template for internal chat messages for received messages. Parameters: {0} time, {1} message text, {2} agent name, {3} derived agent initials, {4} local agent name, {5} local agent initials.


A URL with one format character {0}, which allows you to open the chat editor.


The ID of the data query to be used to generate a pre-filter of the selection query for an agent who is to be added to WfmPlan. In the RUI, the RecordId is filled with the ID of the message for which the selection is made.


Sets the amount of items, from which the Issue drop down list should be grouped. See Grouping for drop-down lists


A method for identifying web clients. Host - the computer name, IP - the IP address of the computer. The default value is IP. The identification will work depending on the type of LAN/WAN infrastructure.


The name of the group in the Navigation table that will be used in the chat to map the URL between the external (Url column) and the internal environment (Options column). The mapping is done for the beginnings of strings.


Emoticons in chat. Multi-byte characters separated by a semicolon. Just highlight, use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, for example, on the website: Examples: 😁;😂;😐;😉;😒


Application URL for recording, parameters: 1-time from, 2-time until communication is opened, 3-extension number for calls, 4-agent’s system name, 5-comma-separated CallRecid for calls, 6-Call ID. Example for NGX: “ngx://{3}?TimeFrom={1:o}&TimeTo={2:o}&FormId=None&SystemName={4}&RecIds={5}”


The default value of the parameter for the opened window passed in the argument windowFeatures to the JavaScript function

For example, the value scrollbars=0 means that scrollbars are not displayed, or location=no means that the address bar is not displayed. The usual value is width=800,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes.

For a reference of possible values, see numerous websites.

Portlets, data grids and tiles allow you to specify a custom value for links opened from them.


A period of time in minutes for which the settings of grids (sorting, filters) inserted in the RUI editors of entities, such as Issue or Contact, should be stored.


Sets the amount of items, from which the Agent drop down list should be grouped. See Grouping for drop-down lists


Sets the amount of items, from which the Campaign drop down list should be grouped. See Grouping for drop-down lists


Application URL for recording, parameters: 1-time from, 2-time until communication is opened, 3-extension number for calls, 4-agent’s system name, 5-comma-separated CallRecid for calls, 6-Message ID. Example for NGX: “ngx://{3}?TimeFrom={1:o}&TimeTo={2:o}&FormId=None&SystemName={4}&RecIds={5}”


Application URL for rating; parameters: 1-time from, 2-time until communication is opened, 3-extension number for calls, 4-agent’s system name, 5-comma-separated CallRecid for calls, 6-Message ID. Example for NGX: “ngx://{3}?TimeFrom={1:o}&TimeTo={2:o}&FormId=None&SystemName={4}&RecIds={5}”


ScenarioId forms with crew data that influence shift scheduling (e.g. the maximum number of crew agents on leave)


The number of agents who are also on standby


Indicates after how many characters the address whisperer is activated. It is possible to use 1 character for small lists, and 2 or more characters for long ones depending on the DB response speed.


An elementary time unit in the operations plan editor. Indicated in minutes.


The ID of the data query that populates the displayed campaign list in the visual campaign editor.


The maximum number of attachments that can be added to an email message. An agent with the UploadAttachment = AllowFull right can attach an infinite number of attachments.


Displayed buttons and functions of the Froala editor - permission Advanced (>= Write); the JSON structure according to


Allowed email attachment file extensions for the agent with the UploadAttachment = AllowRead right. An agent with the UploadAttachment = AllowFull right can attach any file.


Indicates that, if the agent changes a telephone number for a particular piece of communication (call, chat, message) for which an issue exists and this issue does not yet have a contact filled in, the change will be propagated to the issue as well (true).


Use the button to start/pause recording. Blank - the button is not used. Started - with the start of the call, the button is in the started state (call recorded as default). Stopped - with the start of the call, the button is in the stopped state (call not recorded as default).


Allows you to hide the RecordingApp (openRec) button in a form of communication that is too sensitive for the agent in terms of GDPR. True = hides the button for sensitive communication, False = GDPR does not affect the button display.


Application URL for rating; parameters: 0-form ID, 1-time from, 2-time until communication is opened, 3-extension number for calls, 4-agent’s system name, 5-comma-separated CallRecid for calls, 6-Message ID. Example for NGX: “ngx://{3}?TimeFrom={1:o}&TimeTo={2:o}&FormId=None&SystemName={4}&RecIds={5}”


Channel colors separated; with their order identical to ChannelUsage. Example: “#c1f357;green;#00F”.


A refresh time limit [ms]; if the web application does not refresh its state for longer than this limit, it is considered disabled. The minimum value is 30000; the maximum value is 36000000 (10 hours).


Enables the use of the address whisperer in the message editor.


Indicates that there should be only free workplaces in the menu of workplaces in the agent application.


The ID of the data query that populates the displayed import list in the visual outbound campaign editor.


A URL used to retrieve additional WfmAgent data


true = only the date is shown as the beginning and end of the period in the dialog when creating a draft WFM plan; false = the time is also shown


A character that activates snippet selection. Only one can be defined, e.g. | or § etc.


Timeout in seconds for which ReactClient.CallProcessor should try to connect to the Pbx at startup.


If filled in, it will replace all ordinary <p> tags with a pattern tag before sending, e.g. <p class=”MsoNormal”>.


The maximum number of items marked for ManualAction that the system will process synchronously. Otherwise, it automatically switches to asynchronous background processing using ServiceBulk.


Html for displaying the {Agent.SystemName}, {Agent.CrewNamesStartingWithTym}, {Agent.PersonalEmail} fields in the WfmAgentEditor Info tab


URL for rotation validation


If filled in, then this text is used as a wrapper before BodyHtml is created at the time the email is sent. The actual email is inserted instead of the placeholder <##BODY##PLACE##HERE###>.


A URL for recalculating VacancyUsed, YearWorkUsed, YearOvertimeUsed, YearStandByUsed. It can be as for rotation validation (WfmRotationValidationUrl), only the method is called xxxusedcalculation.


Fields to be displayed in the GDPR communication tab. Comma-separated values of Evidence, Legalization, Coverage. Omitted word = the field is not displayed


An ID of the data query that populates the list of forms from the query table in the visual query editor.


The index page settings. Provided text will be displayed within the header. Default value is “Welcome to the FrontStage!”


A name of a group of records, which will be loaded from the Navigation database table to the index page . The default value is “IndexPage”


The index page settings. Provided value will be displayed as a text under the header. The default value is “Here are some things to get going…”


The index page settings. The default index page is in use - parameter value is NULL. When some valid URL is filled in, default index page will redirect you to the provided URL.


Configuration parameter



The ID of the data query to be used to select an issue for a call or message.


Address selection window parameters. The usual value is “dialogWidth=720px; dialogHeight=360px; center=yes; scroll=no; status=no; unadorned=yes”


URL for the contact selection dialog used from the BarControl/BarControlPlus call bar. The inbound call ID (CallId) parameter is added at the end to be used as @RecordId.


The ID of the data query to be used for selecting the (telephone) directory for the issue telephone number.


The ID of the data query that is to be used to prefilter the contact selection for the contact.


The ID of the data query to be used to prefilter the child contact selection for the contact.


The ID of the data query to be used for selecting the (telephone) directory for the outbound call telephone number.


The ID of the data query that is to be used to select a contact for the issue or contact.


A URL for the template selection dialog used to select the template in the message editor. The contact ID (MessageId) parameter is substituted for {0} to be used as @RecordId.


Parameters of the window for selecting a form for an issue, call or message. The usual value is “dialogWidth=400px;dialogHeight=300px;center=yes;scroll=no;status=no;unadorned=yes”


The ID of the data query that is to be used to select a contact from a contact.


The ID of the data query that is to be used to select a child contact from a contact.


The ID of the data query to be used for pre-filtering the selection of the phone number for an inbound call.


The ID of the data query to be used to select a reference contact (e.g. contract) from the legalization proof editor.


The ID of the data query to be used to select a contact (e.g. a person) from the legalization proof editor.


The ID of the data query to be used to select the phone number from an outbound call.


The ID of the data query to be used to select the contact from the phonebook editor.


The ID of the data query to be used to select a template that is to be inserted into the message. In the RUI, the RecordId is filled with the ID of the message for which the selection is made.


A URL for the issue selection dialog used from the BarControlPlus call bar. The inbound call ID (CallId) parameter is added at the end to be used as @RecordId.


The ID of the data query to be used to select an issue from a message.


Template selection window parameters. The usual value is “dialogWidth=720px;dialogHeight=360px;center=yes;scroll=no;status=no;unadorned=yes”


The ID of the data query to be used for selecting the (telephone) directory for the proof telephone number.


The ID of the data query to be used to prefilter the issue selection for the message.


The ID of the data query to be used for selecting the telephone directory.


The ID of the data query to be used for selecting the (telephone) directory for the message telephone number.


A URL for the contact information selection dialog used to select the address in the message editor. The message ID parameter (MessageId) is substituted for {0} to be used as @RecordId (makes it possible to distinguish the message type - Email/SMS). After the selection, the dialog must call the AddToAddress function in the parent JS window.


The URL for the contact selection dialog used to select the related contact in the message editor. The ID parameter of the contact (MessageId) is substituted for {0} to be used as @RecordId.


The ID of the data query to be used to select an agent that is to be added to WfmPlan. In the RUI, the RecordId is filled with the ID of the message for which the selection is made.


A URL for the issue selection dialog used to select the related issue in the outbound call editor. The call ID parameter (OutboundCallId) is substituted for {0} to be used as @RecordId.


The ID of the data query to be used to select an inbound call from the legalization proof editor.


A URL for the issue selection dialog used to select the related issue in the inbound call editor. The call ID parameter (InboundCallId) is substituted for {0} to be used as @RecordId.


The URL for the issue selection dialog used to select the related issue in the message editor. The ID parameter of the issue (MessageId) is substituted for {0} to be used as @RecordId.


A URL for the issue selection dialog used from the BarControlPlus call bar. The outbound call ID (CallId) parameter is added at the end to be used as @RecordId.


The ID of the data query to be used to prefilter the issue selection for an outbound call.


The ID of the data query to be used for selecting the (telephone) directory for the inbound call telephone number.


The ID of the data query to be used for pre-filtering the selection of the phone number for an issue.


The ID of the data query to be used to select an issue for a chat.


The ID of the data query to be used to select the phone number from an inbound call.


The ID of the data query that is to be used to prefilter the contact selection for the issue.


The ID of the data query to be used for pre-filtering the selection of the phone number for an outbound call.


The ID of the data query to be used to select a chat from the legalization proof editor.


A URL for the contact selection dialog used from the BarControl/BarControlPlus call bar. The outbound call ID (CallId) parameter is added at the end to be used as @RecordId.


The ID of the data query to be used for filtering the selection of the phone number for a message.


A URL for the contact selection dialog used to select the related contact in the outbound call editor. The call ID parameter (OutboundCallId) is substituted for {0} to be used as @RecordId.


Parameters of the window for selecting an issue for a call or message. The usual value is “dialogWidth=720px;dialogHeight=360px;center=yes;scroll=no;status=no;unadorned=yes”


The ID of the data query to be used for pre-filtering the selection of the phone number from an issue.


The ID of the data query to be used to generate a query pre-filter when selecting a template to be inserted into the message in the RUI. The RecordId is filled with the ID of the message for which the selection is made. The query should return one row with the TargetColumn names corresponding to the TargetColumn in the selection query.


The ID of the data query that is to be used to select a contact from an issue.


The ID of the data query to be used to select the phone number from an inbound call.


The ID of the data query to be used to prefilter the selection of the second (right) contact to merge with our contact.


The ID of the query to be used to select a phone number / email in the phone director editor.


The ID of the data query to be used to select a message from the legalization proof editor.


The ID of the data query to be used for filtering the selection of the phone number for a chat.


The ID of the data query to be used to prefilter the contact selection for the message.


The ID of the data query to be used to prefilter the selection of the second (right) contact to merge with our contact.


The ID of the data query to be used for selecting the (telephone) directory for the contact.


The ID of the data query to be used to prefilter the contact selection for an outbound call.


The ID of the data query to be used to select a contact for an outbound call.


The ID of the data query to be used to select a contact from a message.


The ID of the data query that is to be used to select a group of contacts.


The URL for the contact selection dialog used to select the related contact in the issue editor. The ID parameter of the issue (IssueId) is substituted for {0} to be used as @RecordId.


Contact selection window parameters. The usual value is “dialogWidth=720px;dialogHeight=360px;center=yes;scroll=no;status=no;unadorned=yes”


The ID of the data query to be used to select the phone number for a chat.


The URL for the contact selection dialog used to select a superior contact in the contact editor. The ID parameter of the parent (ContactId) is substituted for {0} to be used as @RecordId.


Parameters of the window that displays the new contact editor opened from the SelectContactXXX selection.


The ID of the data query to be used to select a telephone number from the legalization proof editor.


The ID of the data query to be used to select a phone number for a message.


The ID of the data query to be used to select an issue for an outbound call.


The ID of the data query to be used to select an outbound call from the legalization proof editor.


The ID of the data query to be used to prefilter the issue selection for an inbound call.


The ID of the data query to be used to prefilter the issue selection for the chat.


The ID of the data query to be used for selecting the (telephone) directory for the chat telephone number.


The ID of the data query to be used to select a contact for an inbound call.


The ID of the data query to be used to filter the contact selection for a chat.


The ID of the data query to be used to prefilter the contact selection for an inbound call.


The ID of the data query that is to be used to select a contact for a chat.


Configuration parameter



A default value for the localization language (ISO string of 5 characters - xx-XX), used where the user cannot change the localization. There must be a corresponding set in the LiteralLookup table (Culture column). It is the default language in WebClient for most localizations.


Indicates whether the execution of CHR for issue deletion should be temporarily suspended. CHR posting is not governed by this.


Filter text fields sent using the WebSite/WebForm API. Applies to all form fields pointing to ResultText. Options: None - no restrictions, Filter - uses HtmlSanitizer, Protect - uses AntiXSS 4.3, Strict - HtmlEncode


Filter the display of the notification board (html). None - no restrictions, Filter - uses HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - uses HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip + HtmlEncode


Filter the display of the LabelOnly (html) type fields in forms. None - no restrictions, Filter - uses HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - uses HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip + HtmlEncode


Filter the saving of BodyHtml in email editors for outbound messages. Options: None - no restriction, Filter - use HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - use HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip + HtmlEncode


An interval between slow cycles of reading configuration parameters from the database and the evaluation of quotas. The usual value is 30 seconds; the minimum is 5, and the maximum is 600.


The sensitivity level of personal information for data in the PhoneNumbers table (typically a phone number and email). This should be a value from the GdprSensitivityLevel bitmap.


The shortest time we protect an orphaned contact / phone number before issuing the WipeCtc / WipePn CHR.


Dynamic debug level indicators for iCC.ServiceSync. Possible values include Detail, Distribution, Simulate, Scoring, Logic, Event, Query, Linq, AgiMessages, Permission, Cache, Handling, MessageChannel, SimProt, Thread, Queue, RenameLogByDays. Use the comma or semicolon as a separator.


Indicates whether the execution of CHR for the deletion of anything should be temporarily suspended. CHR posting is not governed by this.


The message instance name for separating installations for installations with multiple parallel instances for a single ProServer. Can be also empty.


Indicates whether the issuing of CHR for contact and telephone number deletion should temporarily be suspended. The execution of CHR is not governed by this. The CHR execution can be stopped by setting GdprSuspendWipes to true.


Filter the saving and loading of BodyHtml in issue editors. Options: None - no restrictions, Filter - use HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - use HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


Filter text fields transferred using the WebAdmin/Rest API for the POST and PUT operations. Applies to all entity text fields and form fields pointing to ResultText. Options: None - no restrictions, Filter - uses HtmlSanitizer, Protect - uses AntiXSS 4.3, Strict - HtmlEncode, Text - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


Indicates whether recordings should also be deleted when the entity is made inaccessible.


A localization prefix used to recognize names that are to be converted using localization table Group 111.


WebClient information refresh interval in milliseconds. The usual value is 1000; the minimum value is 200, the maximum is 10000. Thirty times this value is the disconnect limit for the web application.


Filter text fields sent using the WebAdmin/Rest API for the GET operations. Applies to all entity text fields and form fields pointing to ResultText. Options: None - no restrictions, Filter - uses HtmlSanitizer, Protect - uses AntiXSS 4.3, Strict - HtmlEncode, Text - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


Dynamic debug level indicators for iCC.WebClient. Possible values include Detail, Distribution, Simulate, Scoring, Logic, Event, Query, Linq, Permission, Cache, Handling, MessageChannel, SimProt, Thread, Queue, RenameLogByDays. Use the comma or semicolon as a separator.


Dynamic debug level indicators for iCC.ReactClient. Possible values include Detail, App, Distribution, Simulate, Scoring, Logic, Event, Query, Linq, Permission, Cache, Handling, MessageChannel, SimProt, Thread, Queue, RenameLogByDays. Use the comma or semicolon as a separator.


Specify a reference entity for a person’s identity. Possible values: Contact - full tracking of identities using contacts. PhoneNumber - track identities only by setting the contact details of phone number and email.


The default sensitivity value of personal data (according to the GdprSensitivity table, Sensitivity column) for items that do not have it set either explicitly (having the value of -1) or implicitly (inheriting is blocked, no parent item or it has no value set).


Semicolon-separated Security Identifiers (SIDs) that will never be created by the IDM command of CreateAgents. If the specified SID begins with an asterisk (“*”), then no agent will be created whose SID contains the text after the asterisk (anywhere).


Allows a page layout to be reset if the master template is being edited; this reset clears all parts of the page. The usual value is false - disabled.


The maximum number of rows of one page in the grid


The IdmUniqueKey switch in the following configuration: SID, SystemName.


Indicates the communication channel usage within the contact centre.

It is written as a bitmask, where the number position indicates the channel index and number value indicates the channel usage, see:

  • 0 - channel deactivated

  • 1 - channel activated

The number of channel indexes determines the mask length. Mask example: 11000000010110011111


The first position of the mask aims towards the channel index 0! (channel index starts from 0, keep that in mind when addressing channel position in the mask).


Indicates whether authorizations should be copied when chaining calls when there is no issue and the contact is copied.


Indicates whether the setting of GdprObliviated to true should be temporarily suspended and whether the issuing of CHR WipeComm, WipeIssue, WipeEvidence, and WipeCtc (non-ident) should be suspended. The execution of CHR is not governed by this. CHR execution can be stopped by setting GdprSuspendWipes to true.


The maximum number of WipeCtc, WipeCtcAll and WipePn CHRs processed at one time.


Dynamic debug level indicators for iCC.ServiceAsync. Possible values include Detail, Distribution, Simulate, Scoring, Permission, Cache, Linq, RenameLogByDays. Use the comma or semicolon separator.


Filter the saving and loading of BodyHtml in knowledge article editors. None - no restrictions, Filter - use HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - use HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


Filter BodyHtml views in email editors for normal messages. Options: None - uses HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Filter - uses HtmlSanitizer including styles, Protect - AntiXSS 4.3, Strict - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode, Text - AntiXSS+HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


The maximum time in seconds for DataQuery calculation. If blank or 0, the default environment time (30s) is used. Applies to all modules that use DataQuery (ReactClient, WebClient, ServiceSync, ServiceAsync, ServiceBulk).


Indicates whether all events related to the entity should be deleted when the entity is disabled.


Indicates whether the WebClient module is used. Influences whether MSG messages are sent to !WebClient or just !ReactClient. Used only in V3; WebClient is not available in V4.


The header of the JSON license required to run the server. Do not edit the item directly; instead, use the site specialized for license management.


The content of the JSON license required to run the server. Do not edit the item directly; instead, use the site specialized for license management.


Number of digits of the PBX internal numbering plan. The parameter is automatically set when ServiceSync is running according to the information from ProServer.


Indicates that the GDPR calculation process in ServiceBulk is intended to reduce resource requirements so that the resources are also available to other processes.


A default value for the dialog box that opens. The usual value is “dialogWidth=720px;dialogHeight=480px;center=yes;scroll=no;status=no;unadorned=yes”


Semicolon-separated system names that will never be created by IDM with the CreateAgents command. If the specified name begins with “*”, then no agent will be created whose system name contains the text after the asterisk (anywhere).


Dynamic debug level indicators for iCC.Utils.ServiceBulk. Possible values include Detail, Linq, Cache, RenameLogByDays. Use the comma or semicolon as a separator.


Save and load filtering in GDPR legalization proof editors. Options: None - no restrictions, Filter - use HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - use HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


Filter the display of the TextArea (html) type fields in forms. None - no restrictions, Filter - uses HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - uses HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


Validity of data for caching permissions in applications. Not used for WebAdmin. 0 means disabled. The typical value is 300.


true = only one sensitivity (radiobuttons) can be selected in the Communication sensitivity settings dialog; false = multiple sensitivities can be selected (checkboxes)


A URL basis for displaying WebClient items from WebAdministration. If it is blank, click-throughs from some menus are not possible.


Indicates whether the system uses the GDPR agenda (true) or whether it is disabled (false) and the relevant elements are not displayed in the editors or the corresponding archiving, inaccessibility and forgetting processes in data processing are not running.


Filter the saving and loading of BodyHtml in call editors. Options: None - no restrictions, Filter - use HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - use HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


Description of the telephone system numbering plan. The normal value for the Czech Republic is ‘0;00;420;9;’


Indicates whether recordings (IC, OC), attachments, Body and EML (M) and conversations (CH) should be deleted when the entity is inaccessible.


Indicates the use of a grouped distribution (“unified queue”) where all active communications are grouped using headers in the Queue table. (The value of the parameter is true.) The opposite is a separate distribution (“separate queues”) where each group of Voice, Message, Chat channels is distributed separately, independently of the others. (The parameter value is false.)


Filter BodyHtml views in email editors for spam messages. Options: None - uses HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Filter - uses HtmlSanitizer including styles, Protect - AntiXSS 4.3, Strict - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode, Text - AntiXSS+HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


The maximum number of the WipeTextContent, WipeEvent, WipeComm, WipeIssue, and WipeEvidence CHRs processed at one time.


true = in the Authorization dialog you can select more proofs for communication authorization, false = authorizations are added one by one


View technical details of the client in Default.aspx


Filter the saving and loading of BodyHtml in an embedded note editor (for issues and contacts). Options: None - no restrictions, Filter - use HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - use HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


Indicates whether the After Time recalculation of the GDPR logic based on CHR RecomputeAll, RecomputeEvidenceTree, RecomputeIssue and RecomputeComm should be temporarily suspended (true) or continue (false). The CHR issuing is not governed by this. The CHR issuing can be stopped by changing GdprEnforced to false.


The validity of data for caching sensitivity in applications. Not used for WebAdmin. 0 means disabled. The typical value is 300.


Save and load filtering in telephone number editors. Options: None - no restrictions, Filter - use HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - use HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


The maximum number of RecomputeAll, RecomputeEvidenceTree, RecomputeComm, RecomputeIssue, and RecomputeCtc CHRs processed at one time.


Indicates whether permissions should be copied when replying to a message if the original message is of the Email type, has no issue and the contact is copied.


The filtering of a conversation transmitted via a chat for all channels and all parties. None - no restrictions, Filter - uses HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - uses HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


Indicates whether the setting of GdprExpired to true (making it inaccessible) should temporarily be suspended and the issuing of the WipeVoiceRecord, WipeTextContent and WipeEvents CHRs suspended. The CHR execution is not governed by this. CHR execution can be stopped by setting GdprSuspendWipes to true.


An interval between slow cycles of making entries inaccessible and deleting them due to GDPR or quota evaluation. The usual value is 120 seconds; the minimum is 30 and the maximum is 3600. If no entry has been made inaccessible, 10 cycles are skipped; if there is something to process, then each cycle is processed. The same applies to deletion.


Filter the HTML display in WFM. None - no restrictions, Filter - uses HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - uses HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


Translations of literals, separated by semicolon; odd ones = names - the following even one = value; names: ChangeIssueLabel, AssignIssueLabel, call.DisplayName, IssueInfo_new, IssueInfo_noCase, ReceivedSentTimeLiteral_send, ReceivedSentTimeLiteral_recieved, ToFieldTaskLabel, newCallLiteral, immediateNewCallLiteral, newCaseCallLiteral, immediateNewCaseCallLiteral


Indicates whether the setting of GdprArchived to true (archiving) should temporarily be suspended.


Filter text fields and inputs entered in DataQuery grids (e.g. text filters in column headers). None - no restrictions, Filter - uses HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - uses HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


If filled in, then this text is used as a click-through URL from the administration to ReactClient. If it is not filled in, the click leads to the WebClient according to WebClientBaseUrl


Duration of the GDPR cycle in milliseconds. The cycle processes the Recompute … and Wipe … CHRs. The usual value is 3000 ms; the minimum value is 500 ms and the maximum is 30000 ms. The number of CHRs processed in a batch is configured by the GdprProcessChR parameters…


Filter the display of values of forms and application fields (html) in the call bar. None - no restrictions, Filter - uses HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - uses HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


Filter the saving and loading of BodyHtml in contact editors. Options: None - no restrictions, Filter - use HtmlCleanser without style filtering, Protect - use HtmlSanitizer including styles, Strict - AntiXSS 4.3, Text - HtmlStrip+HtmlEncode


The time (in seconds) after which the chat will go to the “cold” state (customer not active). Default value is 20. The inserted value must be greater than the time in the ApiRoutingTimeOut parameter. For more info see Counterparty status.