
Profile picture setting

The profile picture and chat avatar are stored within a database table Content. To set the pictures use the General.Model.Db utility.

Syntax: General.Model.Db.exe [<command>] [<path>] [<option>]

Example: General.Model.Db.exe setpicture agent01.png 66711bdb-b4df-4cd1-82e0-0d02291ec6cf

The command above will set the agent with AgentId = 66711bdb-b4df-4cd1-82e0-0d02291ec6cf a profile picture = agent01.png of AgentChatAvatar type, which will be saved to the database.


  • setavatar - sets the file provided within the <path> as a chat avatar, for agent specified according to the AgentId (AgentChatAvatar datatype)

  • getavatar - downloads chat avatar belonging to an agent, identified according to the AgentId, to folder provided within the <path> parameter

  • setpicture - sets the file provided within the <path> as a profile picture, for agent specified according to the AgentId (AgentPicture datatype)

  • getpicture - downloads profile picture belonging to an agent, identified according to the AgentId, to folder provided within the <path> parameter

Content table administration

The following commands allow you to specify the content type and where to store it. To run them, use General.Model.Db utility.

Syntax: General.Model.Db.exe [<command>] [<path>] [<option1> <option2>]


  • setcontent - uploads a file provided within the <path> parameter, which assigns according to the ReferenceId provided as <option1> and sets the ReferenceType provided as <options2> (<options2> = integer)

  • getcontent - saves the file to the folder provided within a <path> parameter, which belongs to the abject according to the ReferenceId provided as <option1> and is of ReferenceType provided in <options2> (<options2> = integer)

ReferenceType which can be combined only with ReferenceId of ChatId, KbAdrticleId or AgentId type:

  • 1 - ChatSendFile

  • 2 - ChatReceivedFile

  • 3 - ChatSendImage

  • 4 - ChatReceivedImage

  • 11 - KbArticleAttachment

  • 21 - AgentPicture

  • 22 - AgentChatAvatar

ReferenceType which can be combined only with ReferenceId = ContentId of an existing item (possibly ContentId = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 to create a new item when used within setcontent)

  • 31 - LogoPicture

  • 32 - SoundFile

  • 33 - BinaryFile