Outbound messages

Creating a message using a URL

The ReactClient interface allows you to create a message by calling a specific URL from the browser’s address bar.

Called URL format: http://frontstage/reactclient/pages/MessageEditor.html?param1=value1&param2=value2 (complete frontstage and reactclient according to your installation)

After the message is created successfully, the message editor in ReactClient opens.

For proper functionality, you need to have permissions on the EditMessage and EditMessageMeta roles at the AllowWrite level.

URL and its parameters

The first way to use it is to create a sample message in ReactClient where you know its ID, and from which the messages generated using the URL are derived. The following parameters are available for different processing of this sample message (in this case, always call the URL with only one specific parameter)

  • ReplyId - Creates a new “plain text” message in response to the message whose ID is passed in the parameter

  • ReplyAllId - Creates a new “plain text” message as “Reply all” to the message whose ID is passed in the parameter

  • ForwardId- - Creates a new message that looks like “forwarded”; the content is the one whose ID is passed in the parameter

  • CopyId - Creates an exact copy of the message whose ID is passed in the parameter, including attachments

  • TemplateId - Creates an exact copy of the message whose ID is passed in the parameter, including attachments. If the original message type is “template”, the message content will be macro-expanded, and the message subject will be empty

  • DuplicatedId - Creates a new empty message based on a “template” or an existing message (the contents will not be transferred), but placeholder parameters for macro expansion remain filled: MessageType, ProjectId, LanguageId, GatewayId, CampaignId, IssueId, ContactId, PhoneNumberId

Another possibility is the exact specification of message parameters, which you can combine as you like. Some parameters have a higher priority than others and can therefore negate those with a lower one.

Basic parameters:

  • MsgType - Message type. Possible values: Email, Sms, Fax, TmpEmail, TmpSms, TmpFax

  • ToField - recipient (writing using URL encoding)

General parameters:

  • IssueId'' - ID of the issue for which a new, empty, message is created. ``MsgType is also required for this parameter. When using this parameter, the issue data will also populate: ProjectId, LanguageId, Priority, IssueId, ContactId

  • IssueKey - An internal key of the issue; the function is the same as for the parameter above - i.e. identification of the issue and population of the parameters. If both of these parameters are specified, IssueId has higher priority.

Refined parameters:

  • LanguageId - Language

  • ProjectId - Project

  • GatewayId - gateway selection

  • CampaignId - Campaign. If specified, additional parameters will be populated from the campaign data: LanguageId, ProjectId, GatewayId` (if they were specified directly in the URL, these values take precedence). Values populated from a campaign have a higher priority than from an issue.

  • ContactId - Contact ID

  • ContactKey - Contact key, just like ContactId it identifies a specific contact; if both mentioned parameters are entered, ContactId has a higher priority


If you use any parameter from the “refined” category, it has a higher priority than those populated from IssueId and overrides them.